廣昌大厝 優良家風代代傳——2023“講好中國故事”創意傳播國際大賽溫州分站賽作品展播

時間:2024-01-04 16:35:28 來源 : 中國網溫州 作者 : 中欣


Xie Guangchang Mansion is located in Dingbutou, an ancient Chinese historical and cultural village, which is an important hub for the three counties of Cangnan, Taishun, Fuding in the two provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, as well as a piece of geomantic treasure land with lucid water and lush mountains. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, the Xies migrated from Fujian to Dingbutou, where they settled down and multiplied. For over two hundred years, they have been following the guidance of their ancestors to edify and educate offspring who live in Guangchang Mansion with the good family tradition of working while studying. 

