Longgang City Development Conference: Longgang, Embracing Youth and Creating the Future

時間:2023-10-17 14:56:51 來源 : DiscoverWenzhou 作者 : ZhongXin

Longgang, renowned for its innovative spirit, held the City Development Conference on October 15th. Secretary He Zongjing of the Longgang Municipal Party Committee stated,"People have always been Longgang's most valuable asset, its unique advantage, and its greatest reliance."

Longgang, a vibrant city known for its reform and innovation, has undergone a remarkable transformation from a fishing village to a town, and from being the"Number One Farmer's City in China" to becoming China's first"town-to-city" conversion. It has transitioned from being a"printing city" to an"industrial city" and shifted its focus from"people-city-industry" to"industry-city-people."

Charting the Course for Longgang's Future

Longgang City Hospital under construction (rendering). Photograph provided by Longgang convergence media

During the conference, Longgang signed cooperation agreements for joint medical cooperation, major investment projects, and urban development strategies. With the town's conversion to a city, Longgang is breaking free from the constraints of being a town and embarking on providing higher-quality medical and healthcare services. Through the implementation of joint medical cooperation agreements, Longgang will boast the largest modern public hospital at the county level in Zhejiang province. Collaborating closely with Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Longgang aims to create an exemplary model of cooperation between provincial and county-level hospitals, ensuring that residents can access the services of"metropolitan experts" right at their doorstep.

Moreover, Longgang has entered into integrated cooperation with Wenzhou Middle School, facilitating the sharing of complementary advantages and resources in various types of education and teaching. The signing of contracts for eight projects, including the VCP Longgang Carbon Fiber Automotive Wheel Production Base, Solid-State Storage Module Production Base and R&D Testing Center, and the China-Italian Fillatex Textile Machinery Manufacturing Base, has injected strong momentum into Longgang's"industrial-driven urban development." Furthermore, the signing of urban development strategic cooperation agreements will provide more impetus to Longgang's urban renewal, infrastructure construction, and other fields.

Over the past four years, Longgang has explored uncharted territories and made remarkable progress. Through practical action and responsibility, it has created a new blueprint for urban development. Longgang has established a comprehensive planning system with"1+1+N" as its framework, covering the entire region, utilizing hierarchical management, providing classified guidance, and integrating multiple regulations into a unified planning system. This demonstrates a new approach to urban construction. By promoting the rise of new cities, the revitalization of old cities, and rural rejuvenation, Longgang has significantly enhanced the county's comprehensive carrying capacity and improved the city's vitality. It has also set a new standard in project construction, vigorously promoting innovation, deepening reforms, and enhancing openness. With high-level planning, efficient operation, and high-quality implementation, Longgang has successfully planned and constructed numerous major industrial projects.

Towards the Future with Longgang

Longgang City Party Secretary and Mayor awarded the first batch of"Longgang City Partners". Photograph provided by Longgang convergence media.

During the conference, the first group of"Longgang City Partners" was appointed, representing various sectors. This group includes the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, China Resources Land Limited, State Power Investment Corporation's New Energy Technology (Longgang) Co., Ltd., Xue Lina, and other legal entities and individuals. Wang Wei, Executive Director of State Power Investment Corporation's New Energy Technology (Longgang) Co., Ltd., expressed,"The concept of city partners is highly innovative. It can mobilize enterprise enthusiasm for Longgang's development, bring new technologies and industries, and promote the entire industrial chain's growth." The enterprise is currently exploring measures to establish upstream suppliers in Longgang, thereby promoting urban development.

Longgang's success is attributed to the collective power of its people. It is a city built on the spirit of partnership. Forty years ago, Longgang embraced the slogan of"Indiscriminate of geographical origins, regardless of North and South, whoever invests benefits, whoever finances builds houses, encouraging urbanization and collective development." As the first"town-to-city" conversion in China, Longgang's success is rooted in the collective power of its people and the spirit of partnership that built the city.

To welcome Longgang's city partners from around the world, Longgang has integrated the functions of the Longgang City Cultural Center, including the World Longgang Residents' Home, the New Era Civilization Practice Center, and the Millennium Longgang Exhibition Hall. They have meticulously created the"Longgang City Partners' Home." Additionally, a series of new scenes for youth living and entrepreneurship have been launched, aiming to create an ideal place for youth empowerment in Longgang. The"Longgang City Partner Courtesy Measures" have also been introduced, offering the warmest services and highest respect to collaborate with city partners in designing Longgang's future.

"Become a Longgang Resident Upon Arrival!" Longgang extends a warm invitation to talented individuals from around the world, encouraging them to come to Longgang, embrace youth, and create the future as"Longgang City Partners."

New Longgang Towards the Future

Building the"Ideal Place for Youth" in Longgang. Photograph provided by Longgang convergence media

Longgang, a dynamic city in its youth, boasts a history that spans 800 years, originating from the construction of the Yinjun Dadi water project. Embodied by the audacious and pioneering endeavor of"Farmers Building the City" four decades ago, the city embarked on its initial ventures. Presently, as it transitions from a town to a city, Longgang liberates itself from outdated limitations that no longer align with its scale, forging ahead with unwavering determination and an indomitable spirit of exploration.

The resident population has grown from 6,000 to 460,000, the jurisdictional area has expanded from 7.2 square kilometers to 184 square kilometers, and the GDP has increased from 5 million to 30 billion RMB. These figures reflect the developmental journey of this city. Through comprehensive reforms and a streamlined administrative structure, Longgang has not only reduced costs by minimizing the workforce but also enhanced administrative efficiency. Additionally, innovative policies like the farmers' housing fund have been introduced to ensure that more people can benefit from the reforms and development. Longgang East New City is emerging as a modern urban area that is intelligent, internationalized, and eco-friendly, situated along the coast of the East China Sea.

With improved planning quality, a surge in industrial vitality, enhanced urban and rural aesthetics, improved well-being of its residents, a harmonious ecological civilization, and well-connected transportation hubs, the future of this dynamic city appears promising and livable. (ZhongXin)