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寒露:嫋嫋涼風動 辭青樂迎寒

寒露,是中國二十四節氣中的第十七個節氣。由於日照減少,寒露氣溫比白露時更低,露珠遇冷寒的空氣快要凝結成霜, 放出微微寒光,“寒露”之名由此得來。

Cold Dew is the 17th solar term of the year which is divided into 24 terms in China. The dip in sunshine means that temperatures are much lower than during White Dew in most areas. The dew drops encounter cold air and just before they are about to turn into frost, they seem to emit a certain cold light, hence the name “cold dew”.



Cold Dew is a solar term reflecting seasonal change. If "White Dew" is a transition from hot to cool, "Cold Dew" is a transition from cool to cold.


As the climate gets colder, the wind blows and the leaves fall, it is hard to avoid a sense of desolation that creeps in. Therefore, it is important to maintain a positive attitude. People can try new experiences to lift their mood.


寒露時節,北方已呈深秋景象,藍天白雲,紅葉漫山。人們往往有登高的習俗,謂此為“辭青”, 與三月春遊“踏青”之説法相對應。九九登高,還要吃花糕,因“糕”與“高”同音,吃花糕寓意“步步高升”。

During Cold Dew, the North witnesses a late autumn scene with blue sky, white clouds and mountains covered with crimson leaves. People often trek to high altitudes, which is called“Ci Qing”, meaning a“autumn outing”, similar to “Ta Qing” which means “Spring outing”.Those climbing mountains during the Double Ninth Festival have a tradition of eating flower cake before embarking on their journey. This is because “cake” and “high” when pronounced in Chinese are homonymous, so eating flower cake would bestow the person with the blessing of “rising high”.



The Cold Dew solar term is also the season when chrysanthemums bloom. Unlike other flowers that thrive in spring and summer, chrysanthemum grows better when there is more frost and heavy dew in the environment. Since the Double Ninth Festival falls around this time, there is another tradition of drinking chrysanthemum wine in some areas.



As the heat of autumn fades away, the world become fresher and more welcoming. Parents can take their children outdoors where they can capture the beautiful scenery on their canvas or prose.



Autumn brings not just good weather, but also bumper harvest. Parents can take their children to dig sweet potatoes and the family can experience the joy of autumn harvest together. At home, they can bond over baking sweet potatoes, steaming sweet potato rice and sweet potato cakes. Children can experience the joy of labor and taste the fruits of their own labor.


外出遊玩歡樂之餘,還要記得俗語的提醒——“寒露腳不露”。這就是告誡人們寒露時節應特別注重保暖,以防寒邪入侵。“嫋嫋涼風動,淒淒寒露零。[1] ”寒露已至,將入深秋,要及時增減衣物,預防著涼感冒哦!

But before you go out to have fun, remember the saying “cold dew, warm feet”. This is to warn people that they should pay special attention to keeping warm in the Cold Dew in order to prevent the flu. Gentle breeze blowing, cold dew condenses! Cold Dew has arrived as the late autumn bids goodbye. Now is the time to sufficiently cover yourself and keep your body and spirits warm!



[1] “嫋嫋涼風動,淒淒寒露零。”——嫋嫋的涼風吹動,淒冷的寒露凝結。(白居易,唐代著名詩人)

Gentle breeze blowing, cold dew condenses -- Bai Juyi, a famous poet from Tang Dynasty

策劃:劉璟       後期:劉璟

監    制:戴 凡
製片人:楊 丹
主    編:宋若冰
編    導:吳婧 白玥 孫磊 佟明月
出    品:中國網際網路新聞中心

版權所有 中國網際網路新聞中心 電子郵件: liuyy@china.org.cn 電話: 86-10-88828088 京ICP證 040089號 網路傳播視聽節目許可證號:0105123