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Liuwan Village, Doushanhe Town, Xin county, He'nan Province

時間:2019-12-16來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Liuwan Village, located in Doushanhe town, the center of Xin county. The village relies on advantages of its resource and Xin county as model counys of all-area tourism, has establishes the development pattern of"one central, two lines and three districts". By taking strengths of the unique geographical and ecological of Wuzhanling Gorge in Liuwan Village, has built Wuzhanling drifting ecotourism resort to promote rural revitalization with the help of tourism development.

In 2017, a rural leisure and boutique tourism project focusing on rafting was officially launched in wuzhanling canyon of Liuwan village. This project was highly valued by the municipal party committee, municipal government, county party committee and county government. In 2018, it was included in one of the key construction projects of Xinyang city, which was the first"999" regression project in Xin county. In accordance with the construction concept of"red tourism in Xin county, drifting in ecological Wuzhan ling", the first phase of the project has been completed.

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