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Xinyong Village, Hengsha County, Chongming District, Shanghai

時間:2019-12-16來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Xinyong village puts a lot strength on environmental governance, infrastructure construction, people's livelihood improvement, the construction of a beautiful village has been basically completed; Xinyong village adheres the thought of"people-oriented", always considers for the masses, a number of practical projects have been implemented to benefit the people.

In the future, Xinyong village will continue to focus on the strategy of rural revitalization. Firstly, to make recreational sightseeing agriculture scale and intensive by giving priority to economic fruit forest, and to create the village's characteristic fruit brand. Secondly, to upgrade and renovate the surrounding supporting facilities of the Island Art Garden as well as to enrich the rural arts content. At the same time, grasping the hot topics in each period, continue to expand the scale of Island Art Garden, to increase the park play items and construction of the park activities, therefore to attract more tourists to come to the Island Art Garden.

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