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Zi'nan village, Nanzhuang Town, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong province

時間:2019-12-16來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

 Zi'nan village was founded in the late Ming and early Qing dynasty, is a typical SangJi fish pond village in Pearl River Delta. In Zi'nan village, the river surges around the village; sugar cane grows into a forest; and all rivers are connected with each other. The upstream route stretches for more than 10 kilometers. Colorful cruise ships shuttle back and forth, and watertight plank roads, hiking trails, and landscape pavilions bring tourists a pleasant experience. On both sides of the river bank, both intact ancient buildings have been transformed into special homestays, and there are also new small foreign buildings rebuilt by villagers. Foshan ceramics and art murals, visible along the river way.

Zi'nan ecological park, where has the four seasons flowers; Children's playground has full of wild fun; The"family training hall of Guang mansion","The hall of good people in Foshan","history hall of Chinan village" and"Xiande apartment" in the village focus on creating"benevolence and goodness culture". Visitors can experience the histories of Chinan and comprehend the spirit of Chinan by visiting"three pavilions and one garden".

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