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Daheba town, Fo'ping County, Shaanxi Province

時間:2019-12-16來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Daheba town is the first stop of the Xihan highway from Xi'an to Hanzhong, which runs through the whole territory. The Xicheng dedicated line has built stations in the planned area of the Fo'ping county, thus bringing Daheba town into the"1-hour economic circle" of Xi'an and Hanzhong, and the"3-hour economic circle" of Chengdu-Lanzhou-Chongqing-Zhengzhou. Daoba town has excellent natural resources, abundant water advantages, convenient traffic location, makes tourism industry developing fast.

In recent years, Daheba town adheres to the strategic positioning of"tourist service strong town, portal tourist town into Hanzhong", Daheba town continue to improve infrastructure construction, to enhance the service ability, to develop the agricultural leisure sightseeing and special tourism industry, and focusing on to build a strong travel service town and portal tourist town into Hanzhong.

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