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Saiyang town, Lianxi district, Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province

時間:2019-12-16來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Saiyang town has a long history and culture. There is Donglin temple, the birthplace of the pure land sect of Buddhism, and Xilin temple, which has experienced the rise and fall of 1700 years, is famous at both domestic and abroad. Saiyang town has many other historical sites, such as Baijuyi thatched cottage, Huxi bridge, Arhat temple, as well as the relics of famous patriotic poets - Yue Fei, pastoral poets - Tao Yuanming, and eminent monks - Hui yuan. 

Saiyang town is located in the western foot of Lushan mountain, has rich tourism resources, including the famous scenic spot scissors gorge, where has rugged rocks, Longtan waterfall, and ancient wonders; Shimenjian, where has craggy mountains, high waterfalls; Jiujiupo and Huiyuan road are not only with beautiful scenery, unique landscape, and has four straight climbing road to Gu hill, Lushan mountain.

With the rising of suburban tourism and mountaineering in recent years, Saiyang town has attracts tourists from all over the world.

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