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Tangwan Town, Guixi City, Jiangxi Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

In recent years, the party committee and government of Tangwan town have earnestly implemented the spirit of the 19th national congress of the CPC and Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, actively responded to the strategy of comprehensively implementing the rural revitalization, and always made solving the'three issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area' as the priority work of the town.

Tangwan town tightly around the goal of"building prosperous, beautiful and happiness Xintang bay", in accordance with the development ideas of" relying on parks prosper industry, markets thrive commerce, industries stabilize agriculture", and put forward the specific measures of building"a street, a gallery, a village, a garden, a chain, a knob". The whole town cadres and masses overcome difficulties, economic construction and social undertakings have been steadily developed, the town has'the national health town','the national standardization of new urbanization pilot town','the first national standardization of party construction pilot town',  and other honorary titles.

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