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Yueyuan Township, Ruichang City, Jiangxi Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Leyuan town is located in the southwest of Ruichang city, Jiangxi province. It is a provincial ecological town with rich natural resources and cultural deposits , has great development potential. Leyuan town actively explores the integrated development of agriculture and tourism, and develops the rural complex based on the tourism resources and the layout of agricultural industry such as Daxanshan Mountain, Yangchang Mountain, Hongyan Cave and Feilong Cave. With the implementation of the strategy of 'the green mountains are the golden mountains'; with the in-depth implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization in the new era, Leyuan town has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities, created an extremely favorable development environment. Leyuan town will strives to achieve the development goal of 'landscape idyllic, happy home, beautiful park' that presents a new appearance of bluer sky, greener mountains, cleaner water, more beautiful shore, and better living life.

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