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Changqing community, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

In recent years, Changqing community under the correct leadership of the party committees and government, has fully implements the party's spirit of the 18th and 19th CPC National Congress, leads by the rural revitalization strategy, to speed up the pace of socialist new rural construction, has achieves new span in material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization and social civilization, ecological civilization.

Changqing has won community won the"most beautiful countryside in Jiangsu","the advanced collective of socialism new rural construction in Jiangsu province","Jiangsu's most attractive leisure village","Health village in Jiangsu province","democracy and legality village in Jiangsu province","civilization community in Nantong","Rugao's civilized communities","Rugao's ecological and livable village", and other honorary titles.

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