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Zumiao street, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

The Ancestral Temple street is the political, economic, commercial and cultural center of Foshan. With the accumulation of thousand years history and culture, Lingnan district has its unique charm in traditional culture, known as'Township of Chinese Southern Lion movement','Township of the Chinese folk Art Forms Artists'. The Ancestral Temple is the birthplace of some state-level non-material cultural heritages, such as Cantonese opera, Choy Lee Fut, Lion dances (Guangdong lion dance). Autumn scenery of Foshan, north emperor's birthday, walk through Tongji Bridge, and other folk traditional activities also held in the ancestral temple street.

Today, the ancestral temple street is actively seizing the great opportunity of the construction of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area that creating the'first good street' as well as an important window to showcase Lingnan culture, and building a demonstration area for the integration of culture, business and tourism and a demonstration area for innovation, entrepreneurship and modern service industry, and a demonstration area for the quality of life in the Guang-Fo metropolitan area.

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