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Tucheng ancient town, Xishui County, Guizhou Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Tucheng is an ancient red town where the birthplace of the famous"four rivers crossing Chishui". Tucheng is known as' the ruby on the long march road' and'the pearl on the red ribbon of the earth'. It is also one of the top ten red tourist attractions and one of the 30 national red tourism boutique lines in China.

Tucheng is a millennium old town, the ancient Xi country in the Spring and Autumn Period was located here, built county in han dynasty, and built state in tang and song dynasty. Renhuai and Chengliu two counties (i.e., present-day Renhuai City, Chishui City, Xishui County) has more than 7000 years of history. In 2005, Tucheng was named'China's historical and cultural town'.

Tucheng is a green ancient town. The Xiaoba scenic spot has 40-square-kilometer, it is the best preserved subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest at 28.3° north latitude, with a well-preserved ecosystem, abundant species and resources, and the unique Danxia landform, has formed a'red-green' wonder. There are more than 60 scenic spots, making Tucheng became an ideal place for vacation, scientific investigation and exploration.

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