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Huanglou Town, Xincai County, Henan Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Hunaglou Town is a key town in China, also known as'China's ecological charm town','provincial ecological town';'provincial science popularization demonstration town';'provincial administrative system reform pilot town';'the pilot town of Dabie mountain revolutionary base area development planning';'the pilot town of provincial beautiful village construction';'the key town of provincial land consolidation project'; and' the pilot town of Xincai county agricultural industry integration'. 

With the accelerated development of economy, sustainable ecological agriculture and scenic spot construction, the tourism industry has been developed, which not only shows the excellent industrial system, beautiful and pleasant scenery and excellent product output of Huanglou town, but also promotes exchanges and communication, increases interaction and promotion, and achieves a good momentum of synchronous development.

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