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Zhouquan Town, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Maming village, located at the west of Zhouquan town, Tongxiang city, is a typical flatlands village at the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River. It is located in the middle of Hangjiahu plain, Yangtze river delta. The terrain here is low and flat, rivers and ports are criss-crossing, the land here is fertile, the climate here is mild with sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall.

Guided by planning, Maming village will carry out comprehensive improvement of rural living environment that to build rural infrastructure and public service facilities in all-round, and strive to build a livable and beautiful village with prosperous and effectively managed. In order to improve the popularity of the village, Maming village will develop tourism further, to explore more rural cultural activities that attract tourists to come and increase farmers income, and to create good conditions for rural economic stability.

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