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Zheng Lu Zhen Mu Jia Cun, Tianning District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

時間:2019-12-13來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

In recent years, MouJia Village thoroughly study and apply the spirit of the nineteen, guided by Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, according to the general requirements of prosperous industry, ecological livability, local custom civilization, effective governance, wealthy life, created  strong innovation model of"Mou plus", focusing on the development of modern manufacturing, efficient agriculture and tourism economy, at the same time, improving infrastructure, cultivating the green ecological environment, enriching the spiritual culture, showing the charming picture of MouJia Village.

Moujia village has been awarded the national model village of rural modernization, national civilized village, national ecological village, the most beautiful village in China, China's top ten small healthy villages, China's beautiful village construction model village, and other honorary titles.

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