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Beicheng street, Mudan district, Heze city, Shandong province

時間:2019-11-04來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

 Beicheng street is building a market-oriented and enterprise-oriented innovation system actively, as well as support emerging industries strongly, and comprehensively promote innovation in ideas, systems, models and forms of business. In terms of investment promotion, Beicheng street vigorously propagandizes its regional advantages and investment promotion policies that makes more reasonable in using its high-quality resources. From the development of high-end industry, Beicheng street focus on building Tianhua commerce logistics circle, pedestrian tourism catering in pedestrian street circle, Heze college education circle, Eagle medical and healthy industry circle. Based on those development, Beicheng street will give full play to the aggregation effect of the aggregation circle, and further promote the prosperity and development of the jurisdiction through the landing of more projects.

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