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Simianshan town, Jiangjin district, Chongqing

時間:2019-11-04來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Simian mountain village and Simian mountain scenic area have abundant tourism resources, where has waterfall landscape, represented by Wangxiangtai, Shuikou temple, has mountains and lakes landscape, represented by the great eight lakes, including small and big Hong sea, pearl lake and Longtan Lake; has the primeval forest landscape, represented by Dawopu primeval forest and Centipede ridge; has land rock landscape, represented by the Danxia Geomorphology. The famous'Thousand grey rock' cliff stone carvings which represented Xianba culture was found in Simian mountain village; the Chaoyuan view integrating Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, has shows the culture landscape of Simian mountain village. Huilong village represented the ancient architecture landscape; the ladder of love and the heart of the world, represented the love culture; the Red Army Bridge and Wenjia village represented the red culture of Simian mountain village. Red cliffs, waterfalls, peculiar couplets, murals, mountains, lakes and primeval forests constitute the 128 unique natural landscapes in eight scenic spots of Simian mountain scenic area.

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