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Bin country, Heilongjiang province

時間:2019-11-04來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

Bin county is located in the east of Harbin province, south bank of Songhua river, covering an area is 3, 844.7 square kilometers. Its geographical overview could be described as,'five mountains, half water, four and a half fields', with a total population of 629,000, Bin county is known as the'eastern suburb garden' of Harbin, it is also a strong tourism county in Heilongjiang province; a national model county for leisure agriculture and rural tourism, and a national model county for regional tourism.

There are many famous scenic spots in Bin county, including national AAAA tourist areas, Erlong mountain and Yingjie; national forest park Changshou mountain and Xianglu mountain; national key project Dadingzi mountain navigation-power junction; and The former site of the North Manchuria branch of the communist party of China. Bin county's resource endowment, market condition and investment environment created unique advantage for developing tourism industry.

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