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Yandian town, Anlu city, Hubei province

時間:2019-11-04來源 : china.com.cn作者 :

 Yandian town, Hubei Province, has a long history with splendid culture. Li bai, the great romantic poet in Chinese history, has wrote many legends and classic poems about Baizhao Mountain. Due to the remarkable celebrity effect, Li bai has become the spokesman of cultural tourism in Yandian town. Yandian town has combined with the unique Li bai'Poetry and Wine culture', created a‘Li bai cultural’tourism experience place with prominent brand image of'ancient beacon town, humanities green mountains'.

The construction of gingko promenade has been accelerated, modern agriculture has been flourishing; breakthroughs have been made in tourism; market towns have been transformed; the environment of villages is livable and suitable for business;'grid management' has been comprehensively promoted; learning and teaching activities have yielded great achievements; people's livelihood services have been effectively guaranteed, and social undertakings are changing rapidly with each passing day. The overall economic and social development has achieved remarkable results and showing a good momentum.

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