


發佈時間:2018-06-06 14:22:54 | 來源:中國網 | 作者:佚名 | 責任編輯:曹洋

1、Academic -- the summit provides intellectual support fordelegates in forms of dialogue, keynote speeches and cases sharing to analyzehow to establishregional brand strategy utilizing management, governance, marketingand internet;

2、Platform – the conference will be based on the concept of"sharing, co-building and co-governance", gather partners with high quality resources in the culture and tourism industry and invite industry leaders, pioneers in rural regeneration areas, financial experts and culture and tourism experts,who will share great presentations and dialogues ontopics such as the upgrading of culture and tourism industries, rural revitalization, tourism + finance to creat a global tourism integration and matching platform;

3、Participation – 2018"splendid China"list will be decided by Netizens’ voting and satisfaction adjustment online on Apps, which can establish the tourism brand effectively;

4、the"Splendid China" will comprehensively recommend tourist destinations in all aspectsutilizing china.com.cn’s influence by Chinese and English edition on china.com.cn,create personalized service for international tourists and a one-stop platform for in-depth experience of Chinese culture and become a new guide for China's international tourism destinations。