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Xi's speech to be published

A speech delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at the second full assembly of the seventh plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, will be published on Thursday.

The speech by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published in this year's 23rd issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

The speech describes the 20th CPC National Congress as a meeting of great importance.

The speech says the draft report to the Party congress has set out strategic plans for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts, and it charted the course for continued progress in advancing the cause of the Party and the country on the new journey to achieve the Second Centenary Goal in the new era and establishing a guide to action.

The speech also underscores the significance of the draft work report of 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the draft amendment to the Party Constitution, as well as the vital importance of electing a good central Party leadership.

The speech calls on all Party members to bear in mind the country's most fundamental interests, stay confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen their sense as a member of the CPC, remain strategically clear-headed and make unremitting efforts in advancing the cause of the Party and the people.

Source:Xinhua  Editor:jiwen

(Source_title:Xi's speech to be published)
