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Indian gov't to send high-level teams to tackle measles cases spike

The Indian government Wednesday said it will send high-level teams to three states -- Jharkhand, Gujarat and Kerala -- to assess and manage an increase in the number of measles cases among children, officials said.

According to the health and family welfare ministry, the teams will assist the state health authorities in instituting public health measures and facilitate the operationalization of requisite control and containment measures.

Officials said the teams will also undertake field visits to investigate the outbreak and assist the state health departments in terms of public health measures, management guidelines and protocols to manage the increasing cases of measles being reported in the three states.

"The teams will also coordinate with the states for ensuring active case search in the area and with Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratories for testing of the identified cases."

A measles outbreak has already been reported in Mumbai. Local media reports said since January this year, 220 cases of measles and 11 related deaths have been recorded in the city.

The federal health ministry sent a high-level multi-disciplinary team to Mumbai earlier this month to take stock of the upsurge of measles cases in the city. 


Source:Xinhua  Editor:jiwen

(Source_title:Indian gov't to send high-level teams to tackle measles cases spike)
