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Beijing Winter Olympics mirror of positive, prosperous, open China

The international community has been full of praise for China’s arrangements and preparations for the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, and believes that from the grand sports event it sees a colorful, three-dimensional and comprehensive China in the new era and understands better China’s openness, confidence, courage and sense of responsibility.

“The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 was well organized and the opening ceremony was splendid. The Year of the Tiger symbolizes courage, strength and determination, all of which are excellent qualities displayed by the Chinese people,” said Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.

Noting that China has overcome the difficulties brought by the pandemic to host the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov said that the opening ceremony of the Games, which was so beautiful, has demonstrated the true Olympic spirit and will bring the world more solidarity, friendship and hope.

Through the Beijing 2022, the world sees the positive mentality of China, which makes friends and guests from every corner of the world feel warmly welcomed.

Ahead of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, residents of Beijing and north China’s Hebei province performed square dance at the National Stadium, or the “Bird’s Nest”, in Beijing, to welcome guests from across the globe. It’s believed that the special pre-show of the opening ceremony vividly manifested the vitality and vigor of the Chinese people in their daily life.

From the modern technological elements in the performances of the opening ceremony and the big smiles on the faces of Olympic volunteers to Chinese athletes’ impressive performances in competitions and Chinese people’s great enthusiasm for ice and snow sports, China’s spirit of struggle and positive mentality can be seen everywhere.

The Beijing 2022 serves as a window on a prosperous China. The opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics was splendid and exceptional, fully demonstrating the strength and influence of the great China, pointed out Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, who was present at the opening ceremony.

Organizing comprehensive sports events tests the comprehensive strength of a country. Although the lingering COVID-19 pandemic has created hurdles for the organization of the Beijing 2022, the international community has always had confidence in China’s ability to host a successful Winter Olympics.

A series of achievements made by China, including securing major strategic results in epidemic prevention and control, leading the world in both economic development and COVID-19 containment, winning the battle against poverty on schedule and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, have cemented the international community’s confidence in China.

The high technology behind the Beijing Winter Olympics, which signals China’s development and progress, has become a hot topic in the international community. The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics shows the world a combination of technology, environmental protection and sports, and demonstrates China’s strength in utilizing advanced technology, according to Martin Garcia, general manager of Chilean Ski and Snowboard Federation.

China’s independent innovation and capability to leverage scientific and technological means in the organization of the Olympics are marvelous, and its achievements in promoting modernization reflected in the Olympics have deeply impressed the world, said former Thai Deputy Prime Minister Korn Dabbaransi.

The Beijing 2022 helps the world better understand an open China. Through a good number of innovative designs at the opening ceremony of the Games, including splendid fireworks that resembled the “Guest-Greeting Pine”, which is a symbol of hospitality, a “China Gate” that implied openness and sharing, as well as an Olympic cauldron in the shape of a giant snowflake with the names of all participating countries and regions, China has expressed its sincere wish to embrace the world with open arms in the new era.

Chinese people’s hospitality has impressed athletes from different countries. “The volunteers at Beijing Olympics are kind and warm. We can feel the heartfelt welcome given by the host country,” said American athlete Nicholas Goepper, who is on his first trip to China.

Over the past 40 years or so, reform and opening-up has created an economic development miracle in China, and shaped Chinese people’s qualities featuring openness, inclusiveness, rationality, dignity, and the desire to excel.

It has become a general consensus among the Chinese people that only by joining hands with other countries can China embrace a bright future.

“Together for a Shared Future”, the official motto of the Beijing 2022, is a choice independently made by 1.4 billion Chinese people in front of the questions of the world and the times.

The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

The successful holding of the Olympics as scheduled despite difficulties brought by COVID-19 has proven the determination of a positive, prosperous and open China to fulfill its beautiful promise to the world, embodied the country’s efficiency, resolution and vitality, and demonstrated its strong will and courageous actions in promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Beijing 2022 sends a clear signal to the world: China will always work together with various parties and make unremitting efforts to help the international community cope with global challenges and create a better future. 

Source:People's Daily  Editor:jiwen

(Source_title:Beijing Winter Olympics mirror of positive, prosperous, open China)
