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Beijing clears COVID-19 risk areas

Children and their parents are seen at a vaccination site in the Zhongguancun subdistrict of Haidian District, Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 13, 2021. (Xinhua/Ren Chao)

Beijing has been cleared of medium and high-risk areas for COVID-19 with the last medium-risk area being downgraded to low-risk on Friday.

The Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in an announcement that a residential community in Haidian District was downgraded to a low-risk area as no new cases were reported there for 14 consecutive days.

With the adjustment, the whole of Beijing is in the low-risk category for COVID-19.

Beijing has also traced 28 contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case reported in Shanghai on Thursday. Tests of the samples collected from the venues the case had visited during Nov. 12 and 15 in Beijing were all negative.■  Editor:jiwen

(Source_title:Beijing clears COVID-19 risk areas)
