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China's Hunan sees surge in China-Europe freight train service

Photo taken on May 22, 2021 shows cargo containers at Changsha north railway station in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province. (Xinhua/Chen Sihan)

Central China's Hunan Province launched 783 China-Europe freight trains in the first three quarters of this year, up 84.7 percent year on year, local customs said Thursday.

The freight trains, handled by customs in the provincial capital Changsha, shipped 512,000 tonnes of cargo with the value of the goods reaching 13.9 billion yuan (about 2 billion U.S. dollars) in the Jan.-Sept. period, up 68.5 percent year on year and 22.7 percent, respectively.

Since the launch of the China-Europe freight train service in Changsha, the cumulative number of trains has exceeded 2,000.

Four new routes were launched this year linking Changsha with Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Kazakhstan. The main export items transported through the cross-border train service include daily necessities, furniture, automobiles and auto parts, and lamps. 

Source:Xinhua  Editor:shijinyu

(Source_title:China's Hunan sees surge in China-Europe freight train service)
