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Xinjiang border port handles over 5,000 China-Europe freight trains

Horgos Port in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has handled over 5,000 China-Europe freight trains this year as of Monday, according to local customs.

The Horgos customs noted that the number of China-Europe freight trains the port has handled so far this year had already exceeded that of the whole of last year.

The growing popularity of the service is due to its large transport volume, low price, expansive network and stability, the customs noted.

There are 44 freight train lines passing through the port, linking 45 cities in 18 countries.

In 2020, the number of China-Europe freight trains traveling via Horgos Port reached a yearly record of 4,722. The volume of goods transported through the port last year reached 3.68 million tonnes, which was worth a total of nearly 26.44 billion U.S. dollars. Enditem

Source:Xinhua  Editor:shijinyu

(Source_title:Xinjiang border port handles over 5,000 China-Europe freight trains)
