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Guo Dawei, Secretary of Tongchuan Municipal Party Committee: Transformation development is our only way out


“Only by transformation can we develop, our development needs transformation. Industrial transformation brings good structure, urban transformation brings good environment, social transformation brings good life, and institutional mechanism transformation brings good vitality. So, transformation development is our only way out.” When talking about “chasing and exceeding” of Tongchuan, Secretary of Tongchuan Municipal Party Committee Guo Dawei said.




As an important node city along the Silk Road Economic Belt, after completely washed out the label of “Coal City”, how can Tongchuan grasp the opportunities and achieve chasing and exceeding? Guo Dawei said, “Transformation development is the real deed and act of Tongchuan’s chasing and exceeding, and making the transformation walking at the forefront of the 67 resource exhausted cities in the country is our target of chasing and exceeding.”

打通迴圈産業鏈 再造銅川全新工業體系

Open up the recycling industry chain and rebuild the new industrial system in Tongchuan


Guo Dawei proposes that the core of transformation development of Tongchuan is industrial transformation. By mixing the industry and the city, a city shall have industries for support. Coal, building materials, electricity and aluminum are the four traditional industries in Tongchuan, during the process of industrial transformation, Tongchuan has found a road of relying on traditional industries as well as scientific and technological progress to carry out cyclic development.


Dongjiahe Circular Economy Industrial Park in Yaozhou District sets “coal - electricity - aluminum” and deep processing circular economy as leading industry, by using local coal to generate electricity, using electricity to refine aluminium, and undertaking deep processing of aluminium to open up the whole industrial chain, and realize the closure of the coal to aluminum processing industry. In 2017 China International Silk Fair & China Eastern and Western cooperation and Investment Trade Fair, investment attracting team of Dongjiahe Circular Economy Industrial Park signed a total of 10 projects inside and outside the province with contracted funds of 2.046 billion Yuan centering on promotion of aviation and aluminum industry investment and leading the transformation and upgrading of Tongchuan.


In the process of industrial transformation, Tongchuan makes breakthroughs and new kinetic energy on relying on scientific and technological progress, developing circular economy as well as traditional industries to upgrade and transform, and achieve breakthroughs in economic transformation. That is also to open a road from coal to electricity, from electricity to electrolytic aluminum, from electrolytic aluminum to various aerospace and automotive aluminum and aluminum alloy industry.


“Low-end excess while high-end missing”, the current development of aluminum and aluminum processing industry in the country makes Tongchuan abandon the low-end market, and step on the road of aluminum deep processing instead, which leads the aluminum industry to high-end development. Tongchuan plans to build base in the central Shaanxi plain of new energy, building materials and aluminum materials, and rebuild a new industrial system in Tongchuan.


Recently, Tongchuan Government issued Opinions on speeding up the development of aviation, steam and aluminum materials industry, aiming at transforming Tongchuan into a model city for transforming and upgrading traditional industries in the west, focusing on doing fine and strong aluminum industry chain, relying on Dongjiahe Circular Economy Industrial Park and New South Industrial Park to strengthen accurate investment and factor guarantee. Adopt a principal line of R & D and production of aviation aluminum base materials, deep processing of air and aluminum, high-end aluminum profiles and mechanical and electrical aluminum alloy products and improve products matching rate of aviation and aerospace industry profiles, automotive industry profiles, high-end building and home profiles, mechanical and electrical profiles inside and outside the province to establish the province's aviation, automobile and aluminum materials industry base and achieve high-end, large-scale and cluster development.


Opinions proposed that by plans to 2020, newly-added investment of Tongchuan aviation, automobile, and aluminum industry will reach more than 20 billion yuan, and achieve industrial output value of more than 50 billion yuan.


The reporter understands that in 2016, the total industrial output value of Tongchuan was about 56 billion, and they plan to reach more than 100 billion yuan at the end of “13th Five-Year” to realize the targets of rebuilding Tongchuan industry.

砥礪推進城市轉型 建設綠色宜居銅川

Vigorously promote urban transformation to build green Tongchuan suitable for living


In the drainage basin of Ju River, in Liulin Forestry Center, beside Xiangshan River and Yumen Wet Land, there can often see small groups of crested lbis. As the rare and endangered species once there were only 7 of this kind in the world and the animal protection at the national level, crested lbis are very picky about survival and reproduction habitat. But now there are more than 30 of crested lbis born in Tongchuan and stay and reproduce here, which proves that the ecological environment in Tongchuan is moving in a better direction.




In 2016, Tongchuan gained 210 excellent days of the whole year, and the number of good air quality days was ranked second in five cities of central Shaanxi plain of Shaanxi Province.


In 2017, Tongchuan’s afforestation area has increased by 120 thousand mu, and Tongchuan’s forest coverage rate has reached 46.5%. Tongchuan has been listed as a national pilot city in the ecological protection and restoration work of landscape, forest and land. Through the three years of implementation of the landscape restoration project, Tongchuan no longer lacks green.


Urban transformation is another focus of the transformation development of Tongchuan. Environmental governance, including the formation of urban scale, is the only way to unswervingly adhere to the transformation.


Thriving because of coal, since the establishment in 1958, Tongchuan was called as “Coal City”. Even today, the two major industries, coal and cement, still occupy an important place in Tongchuan’s economic structure.


“With the increasingly high demand of pollution control and haze and environmental standards, and more importantly, with the depletion of resources, we are forced to enter the road of transformation, and we must go. Transformation is for development, and development need transformation.” Said Guo Dawei.


In recent years, with the strong support from central and Shaanxi Province, Tongchuan has been designated as the national resource based sustainable development pilot city, the national energy-saving emission reduction fiscal policy comprehensive demonstration city, and the national landscape ecological protection and rehabilitation project protection zone.


During the period when Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary Lou Qinjian was still the provincial governor, he attended the 3rd Provincial Governor and State Governor of China and the United States Forum with President Xi Jinping. At there, he introduced the effects of transformation development, environment improvement and thriving of crested lbis of Tongchuan to the world.

聚力脫貧攻堅 讓群眾富了起來

Cohere together to get rid of poverty and overcome all difficulties, let masses get rich


In the past, Maju Village, the “bad stem village” whose residents living in cave dwellings, drinking cave water, meeting ditches when going out, has become a place that sets “leisure, sightseeing, tourism, catering” as a whole and has downtown streets, lawns and international art street…… The entire architectural style is based on European and Mediterranean style whose planning is neat and innovative design is fashionable.




From “bad stem village” to “cement village”, then to “ecologic village”, the shifts of three levels of Maju Village is making it stepping forward to individualized, characteristic and brand oriented village energetically.


The construction requirements of turning Kuquan Town, Yijun County into the largest resettlement area for immigrants and disaster prevention in the south of the county, a trade market with standard management, a leisure fitness area with multiple functions, and a key town in cultural tourism area have established the working concepts of creating a town with green agriculture, trade logistics, cultural tourism and business and living suitability to build a town of business and living suitability with entire efforts. By various measurements of competing for projects and investments, integrating social funds and attracting foreign investment to continuously broaden financing channels, make great efforts to form benign development pattern of “permanent residents in town, real properties of people, grassroots economy flourishes and enriching the people and strengthening the town” and strongly promote the orderly development of small town construction.




In October 2014, dry farming terrace landscape of Kuquan was named “Beautiful countryside in China” by Ministry of Agriculture. This was an organic combination model of farming culture and natural scenery, and more of an important cultural symbol which was permanently engraved in Yijun’s land.


Grasping the opportunity of poverty alleviation and storm fortification, Tongchuan City promotes the sustainable development of beautiful countryside. As early as in 2015, Tongchuan had put forward the plan of 5 years: the city (county) takes out 30 million yuan per year for the construction of beautiful countryside, and completes all villages planning of the whole city in 2017. By 2020, the number of demonstration villages will reach 100.


According to the requirements of provincial CPC committee and provincial government, the poverty alleviation work of Tongchuan was transparent to the public during the whole process. After alleviating from poverty, the household will be deleted from the poverty list and receive helps to consolidate their results. “Four rates and one degree” has reached the standards comprehensively, so as to say reaching the standards of accurate recognition rate, accurate helping rate, accurate exiting rate, immigrants’ poverty alleviation and relocation occupancy rate, and crowd’s satisfaction degree.


Guo Dawei underscored that the social transformation is to adhere to the people-centered development thinking, comply with the requirements of provincial CPC committee and provincial government, insist the “two 80%” policy unchanged for a long time, reveal all the details and make up for shortcomings to continuously do practical things for the people and promote social transformation at the same time.

千年耀瓷+紅色照金 銅川文化新名片叫響

Yaozhou porcelain of thousand years + Red Zhaojin with revolutionary background, new visiting cards of Tongchuan culture has gained fame and success


Zhaojin Revolutionary base at the boundaries of Shaanxi Province and Gansu Province, which locates in Zhaojin Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City, is the first revolutionary base in mountain areas established by proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation such as Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang and Xi Zhongxun et al. at Northwestern China. Twenty-sixth Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army were born here.




Talking about revolutionary sites in Zhaojin, Guo Dawei said that the first impression of revolutionary sites was poverty, but the red resources of Zhaojin have made the residents here living a better life. The red resources also play a special role in promoting the all-region tourism. An average of as many as 3000 visitors a day makes Zhaojin people become rich, and more and more tourists come to Zhaojin which forms a strong infection and brings more people and anima.


Wandering in Chenlu Ancient Town, facing towards wall of jars and stepping on porcelain roads, all kinds of simple, elegant, and colorful porcelain makes you feel dizzying, and the splendor before thousands of years seems like yesterday. The legend of furnace fire burning continuously for thousand years is still on here.




As the biggest kiln system of “six kiln systems” in ancient China, on the same land, inheritors of Yaozhou porcelain is guarding for the unique glory of it in their own different ways. With sweats and wisdom which hopes for greater glory of Yaozhou porcelain, they make it a new visiting card of Tongchuan culture to enter the cities along the side of the“Belt and Road”.


Sun Simiao, Fan Kuan, Liu Gongquan, Linghu Defen, and Fu Xuan, all these historic heavyweights were born in the land of Tongchuan. The profound culture rooted here makes Tongchuan’s reputation continue to expand, so that there is culture everywhere as well as stories everywhere.


Guo Dawei said that chasing and exceeding is like hurrying for an exam. Tongchuan will continue to focusing on chasing and exceeding transformation development to vigorously implement six strategies of cultural leadership, innovation drive, green development, regional coordination, co-construction and sharing, opening and integration, actively promote “ten projects” of new industrial system construction, diversified development of modern service industry, featured agricultural quality and efficiency increasing, culture leading all-region tourism, infrastructure protection, innovation capability enhancement, new urbanization promotion, regional coordinated development, poverty alleviation and livelihood construction and sharing, and beautiful home building to promote the sustainable and healthy development of society and economy of the whole city, and run faster, more stable, and more confident on the way of chasing, exceeding and transformation development.

來源:中國網·絲路中國頻道  責任編輯:吳玉琪