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Beautiful math by creative students

Description:Two middle school students in Zhengzhou, Henan province managed to transform dull functions into beautiful figures, depicting hearts, apples and even a little girl with pigtails.

Two middle school students in Zhengzhou, Henan province managed to transform dull functions into beautiful figures, depicting hearts, apples and even a little girl with pigtails, according to Zhengzhou Evening Post.

Their math teacher, Yan Lina, was surprised when two of her students created a heart-shaped figure using functions. Yan wrote about the accomplishment on her blog, remarking that math looks so beautiful that way. Yan's blog post sparked a discussion on the best way to teach math. The method of combining mathematical, rational thinking with art and creativity may worth a try, said Yan.  Editor:楊柳

(Source_title:Beautiful math by creative students)
