Hainan Chronicles:Haikou - Enjoy Street Dancing on Arcade Street and Welcome Migratory Birds





Today, let's follow"Hainan Chronicles" to visit Haikou,enjoying street dancing on arcade street and welcoming migratory birds.


Every 30 minutes, the Bell tower on Changdi Road of Haikou reports the time. Since 1928 when overseas Chinese pooled money to build this tower, the clock has been loyally reporting the standard time for traders passing by. Today, the bell has been ringing for nearly a hundred years. Accompanied by the sound of bells, the tower has witnessed the development of Haikou in the last one hundred years and become a unique city landmark written in Haikou's history. Look, arcade street is always awakened by a group of children early in the morning. Every weekend, they surprise residents and visitors with flash mob street dancing performances.


Huang Zhiqiang, Vice President of Hainan Street Dance Association


Street dancing is a relatively freer activity, because it is not restricted by the venue. Dancing in arcade street which has a history of over a hundred years, is anything cooler than this?


Young people are dancing the street dance


The word"cool" explains Huang Zhiqiang's understanding on the combination of modern trend culture and century-old arcade street's vibe. Perhaps he is not fully aware of the cultural and historical details of this place, but his every touch on the bricks and each dance move on the street interpret the character of this place, inspire young people and spark new thoughts.


Haikou Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve


Every autumn and winter when northern China is covered with ice and snow, migratory birds head southward one after another. They fly over the forests and oceans all the way to Hainan. Haikou Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve is one of their favorite camps. The staff of the Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve Administration is responsible for bird monitoring and protection.


Feng Erhui, Staff of Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve


We patrol along the 65 kilometers of the coastline in the reserve. Now we are mainly patrolling the sea, which is about 3 kilometers.


 Black-faced Spoonbill


With ten years of work experience, Feng Erhui has developed the skill of identifying birds by their sounds. He can distinguish almost 78 species of birds commonly seen in the reserve by their sounds and flying postures. Among the migratory birds that spend winter in the reserve, black-faced spoonbills catch Feng Erhui's attention most.


Feng Erhui, Staff of Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve


The black-faced spoonbill is a Class-2 national protected species and a rare creature globally. It is also an indicator species to access the ecological environment of Hainan.




Along the 65 kilometers coastline, Feng Erhui and his colleagues do a monthly inspection. In winter, they go to the observation point every day to observe and record the number, species, habitat, location and human disturbance factors of birds, so as to constantly update their database for wild ornithology research. Every winter, Feng Erhui carries a camera to catch traces of the birds. Behind the care and sweats is his love for birds. Step-by-step, he moved closer to the birds and took tens of thousands of wonderful photos. Behind every photo is hours of silent waiting, sometimes even for an entire day. The undisturbed natural environment and the staff who provide unspoken protection are the reasons why the birds come as expected to this nature reserve every year. When the mangroves become denser, the fish and shrimp grow fatter, and the birds gather together, we will also realize the preciousness of lush mountains and azure sky.