中英雙語 | 海南免稅推動歐萊雅業績增長





L’Oreal Sales Rise Helped by Chinese Duty-Free Demand in Hainan


China.Org--L’Oreal SA sales rose in the first quarter as the beauty giant got a boost in demand from a duty-free island in China.

中國網訊 歐萊雅集團2021年一季度銷售業績增幅明顯,而這主要是由於中國海南島免稅市場對其商品的巨大需求。

Sales in that country jumped 38%, the company said in a statement Thursday. In a call with analysts, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Nicolas Hieronimus said demand in Hainan partially drove the performance.

在上周發佈的的一則聲明中,歐萊雅集團表示,集團第一季度在中國市場的銷售額增長38%。在同分析師電話溝通後,歐萊雅集團副總裁Nicolas Hieronimus表示,來自海南的市場需求對這一增長的貢獻尤其明顯。

“Hainan is becoming a big piece” of the travel retail market in Asia which is still suffering in other regions, he said. The Chinese couldn’t travel last year for the New Year holiday, but this year they were able to head to Hainan, he added.

Nicolas Hieronimus稱,由於中國之外的國家和地區仍在深受疫情影響,海南正在成為亞洲旅遊免稅購物市場中越來越重要的一環。“囿于疫情,中國遊客不能出國購物,但他們可以去海南”,他補充道。

China’s growth rate shows how important that market has become, said Jonathan Siboni, CEO of Paris-based data-intelligence firm Luxurynsight. L’Oreal is“cementing its dominant position in the Chinese beauty market by taking advantage of the duty-free opportunities represented by Hainan as international travel remains subdued.”

總部位於巴黎的數據分析機構Luxurynsight的負責人Jonathan Siboni認為,中國經濟的增長勢頭彰顯了這一市場日漸突出的重要性。“全球旅遊購物産業仍在受限于疫情影響,在這一背景下,歐萊雅集團通過充分利用海南免稅的契機,鞏固了其在中國美粧護膚品市場的優勢領先地位”。

Revenue in North America also rose, although to a less degree, with early signs of a recovery for the makeup category, Hieronimus said. Western Europe remains slow, with revenue shrinking 2.4% as many countries faced renewed outbreaks. L’Oreal’s home country of France is going through its third lockdown with non-essential stores shut.


There are early signs that show how a successful vaccination drive can be linked to a rebound, with Israel showing strong demand in March, Hieronimus said.


Overall, the company’s sales climbed 10% on a comparable basis to 7.6 billion euros ($9.1 billion) in the first quarter, outperforming the overall beauty market, according to Jean-Paul Agon.Analysts were expecting revenue of almost 7.7 billion euros.

歐萊雅集團總裁Jean-Paul Agon表示,總體來看,歐萊雅集團一季度銷售業績增長10%,營收規模達到76億歐元(人民幣593.4億元),優於同行業平均水準。