中英雙語丨Vaccination in Qionghai to the Good of 2021 Boao Forum for Asia





China.Org--“Please don’t drink any alcohol within the following week,and we suggest you going to bed early at night.”On March 23, after the first injection of coronavirus vaccine, 63-year-old Gao Qingyuan was kindly reminded by the doctor at Qionghai People’s Hospital.Behind Gao, local residents waiting for their vaccinations are in a queue.

中國網訊 3月23日,在瓊海市人民醫院,63歲老人高清源在醫護人員的引導下,注射了第一針新冠疫苗。“您回去後記得一週內不能飲酒,晚上早休息,別熬夜。”疫苗注射完畢後,醫護人員叮囑著高清源。在高清源身後,不少市民也在排隊等待注射疫苗。

Qionghai started the vaccination work at the end of last year, 260,610 out of the targeted number of 279,747 people have finished injections up till March 22 this year, the proportion is 93.16%.


Fu Ping,mayor of Qionghai city, stresses the importance of vaccination work,especially with the backdrop that the Boao Forum for Asia,which is held in Qionghai annually,will soon open in April:“2021 Boao Forum for Asia is a key diplomatic event held in China this year, what we have done is to secure the smoothness of the event, and will be helpful to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port”.


To efficiently promote the vaccination work,the strategy of“combination of line and localized management,line comes first while featuring the local”was put forward and put into practice. A three-level secretary responsibility-system of city,town and village was built up,covering every single community within the region.Progress of daily tasks were clear shown through charts and tables.


During the promotion of the vaccination work,based on the actual situation,some towns and villages in Qionghai arrange designated vehicles to pick up the people before sending them to the community injection spots. WeChat groups for working purposes have also been set up where daily work information are updated and specific problems are analyzed.Staff members from key industries and units are systematically organized by the principle of“batches and clocks”to take vaccine injections.


Qionghai Municipal Health Commission found that it was difficult for many people to take vaccination at daytime when they have work to do.Consequently,it was decided that the time for injection service will be extended to 10.00 pm, also the service is made available during the lunch break everyday and even on weekends.


Meanwhile,for the convenience of the local residents,temporary injection spots right next to construction sites,supermarkets and colleges where people usually crowd,have been set up.


“Currently,apart from keeping following the principle of‘vaccination to all who are suitable’covering the people aged between 18 and 59 years old, the free injection to people who are over 60 has also started since March 20.”Responsible person from the local health commision said so. Combing the objective of doing a good job in guaranting quality service for 2021 Boao Forum for Asia,Qionghai publizes the coronavirus vaccination information including where the injection spots are,flow of injection and matters needed attention,through different media channels widely. Party members as well as cadre head to the communities to mobile the vaccination work,the principle of“vaccination to all who are suitable”is thus successfully implemented.
