中英雙語丨Hainan Speeds Up In Creating Intellectual Property Zone





China.Or--The opening ceremony of the 2021 China Seed Congress & Nanfan Agricultural Silicone Valley Forum was held on March 20 in Sanya,Hainan.During the forum, Hainan Intellectual Property Bureau revealed that the Plan for the Construction of Sanya Yazhou Bay Intellectual Property Special Zone has been drafted, along with other related organs including and department of agriculture and people’s court,the bureau will seize every minute to exlpore the way that intellectual property special zone to be built up in Sanya.

中國網訊 以“種業使命,南繁未來”為主題的2021中國種子大會暨南繁矽谷論壇于3月20日在三亞開幕。據悉,海南省智慧財産權局已草擬《三亞崖州灣智慧財産權特區建設方案》,將會同農業、法院等部門,加緊在三亞探索建設智慧財産權特區。

Xie Tingguang,vice head of the Hainan Intellectual Property Bureau,said that the seed industry would be put at the center over the course of constructing intellectual property special zone in Sanya. With the aim of bringing more domestic and International seed industry enterprises and research agencies to Hainan,the related offices must focus on creating integrated intellectual property protection mechanism,meanwhile fully absorb the advanced experience of intellectual property protection and management accumulated in the other parts of the world,taking it for own reference;on the other hand,an intellectual property protection system that is in line with international standards is needed while there supposed to be more efforts put in strengthening intellectual property protection of the seed industry in Nanfan.


It was understood that inspection models of new plant types in new forms, combing written review and molecular detection,as well as the mechanism including protection of new plant types, contents plus business confidential information,will all be explored in the zone.During the forum,Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and technology Town has signed strategy partnership agreement with the scientific technology development center under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.The document allows both sides to find out the way to line seed industry intellectual property protection rules in Nanfan with that of International standards,specifically in terms of co-construction of molecular testing lab,coordinated examination center of new plant types, global exchange center for the identification, evaluation and confirmation of animal and plant germplasm resources.
