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[專稿] 十年來港澳攝影講座

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-12-18 18:31:34 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



  電話: (852)2887 0313

  電郵: oylin@edge-architects.com


  Symposium: Art Photography in Hong Kong and Macau in 10 years

  Due to Dr. Olivien Yang is unable to come to Hong Kong, the topic of the symposium will be focused mainly about the art photography in Hong Kong and Macau after 1997. Speakers of the symposium include: (Macau) Mr. Frank Lei, Associate Professor of School of Arts of Macao Polytechnic Institute; (Hong Kong) Mr. Joseph Fung, former Associate Professor of School of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Edwin Lai, President of pH5 Photo Group; and, Mr. Blues Wong, Secretary of pH5 Photo Group.

  Again, The symposium is going to be held on this Saturday, 20 December, from 10am - 1pm, at the Hong Kong Central Library Activity Room 1. All are welcome!

  Tel: (852) 2887 0313

  Email: oylin@edge-architects.com

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