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[專稿] 愛情賓館Love Hotel

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-12-10 09:06:57 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

標題Title: 愛情賓館Love Hotel / 白雪飯店 White Snow Hotel

藝術家Artist: 孟瑾&方二 Meng Jin & Fang ER*

尺寸Size: 140x 140 cm

材質Medium: C-Print


  這組作品拍攝于城市中的某一類小旅館,也被稱為“愛情賓館”的隱秘場所, 愛情賓館從前稱作茶屋, 始於西元六O年代,主要作為妓女和嫖客使用的空間。然而經過多年企業化的發展,這類的空間已從地下化慢慢浮出臺面。 並廣被夫妻或男女朋友提供短暫尋歡的空間。這類賓館一般都集中在市區車站附近,有些靠近公路的城市郊區,甚或在工業區。他的建築有時是非常的誇張,建築形狀像城堡,船或飛碟,並與霓虹燈點燃照明。同時,也有許多愛情賓館從外觀上是非常普通的建築物,他甚至在位置上很隱蔽,有的甚至沒有窗戶。愛情賓館給人一種脫離現實的解放感,許多人在愛情賓館中得到了精神上的慰留及庇護。賓館所佈置下的夢幻、想像、與甜蜜結合了平常世俗中無法的那部分滿足,也只有愛情賓館可以填補都市人生活所失落的那份愛!

  愛情賓館通常提供兩種收費:一種“休息”所收取的利率約3小時 ,另外一個就是“過夜”的計算,通常時間和計價方式會比一般的旅館飯店稍微便宜。由於價格的優惠,這空間有時也會吸引一些因經濟條件而以此為家的客人。在拍攝的過程中,我們就曾遇過一住十幾年的老房客。

  2008年的尾聲,我們因為有了新的生命即將誕生而重新調整生活的腳步,並因為這樣我們有了機會一起拍攝第一組以兩人合作方式的攝影作品“愛情賓館”。捆綁是整體視覺的線索,而他本身“休息”所規定的“3小時”,便是每一個空間跟時間的一個交叉點。在房間裏面找到的物品,對我們而言存在著雙重屬性:既屬於愛情賓館的那個特定的房間,也只屬於我們出現之後的3個小時。 捆綁的努力是在企圖打破這種既有的相互關係,牙刷和拖鞋的擁抱,椅子腳和枕頭相遇,這些被重新聚集的物品對話雖然還是在房間裏面表演,但同時也形脫離了它們各自原有的屬性:偶然,而短暫的一次超凡脫俗。



標題Title: 愛情賓館Love Hotel / 正安大旅社 Center Peace Hotel

藝術家Artist: 孟瑾&方二 Meng Jin & Fang ER*

材質Medium: C-Print


  The work is focus on “Love Hotel”, a type of short-stay hotel, many of which run subterraneanly for the purpose of allowing couples to have sexual related activities. It first appeared in 1960’s primarily called ‘Tea House’, often were used by prostitutes for their business. After many years development, those hotels became popular by public, especially for love couples. Typically, they located in city districts close to stations, near highway on city suburbs or in industrial area. Their architecture may be garish, with buildings shape like castles, boats or UFOs and lit with neon lighting. However, some of them come with very ordinary looking buildings, distinguished mainly by having small, covered, or even no windows.

  Love hotel could extricate people from their pressure in reality and many people found mentally comfort and protected by staying in love hotel. Some hotels may feature fanciful rooms decorated with anime characters, equipped with rotating beds, ceiling mirrors. Even without that, for many love hotel users, love hotel creates fantasy and satisfaction feeling which their routine life cannot provide.

  Love hotels usually offer a room rate for a "rest" ranging of 3 hours, as well as for an overnight stay. In general, love hotel is a bit cheaper than normal hotel excepting a few high-end ones. Perhaps because of the room rate, it may attract poor single men for their accommodation. During working on the project, we met an old man who actually lives in a love hotel for more than 10 years.

  The last half of year 2008, we are slowing down our life because our first baby is going to be born. It is became a chance for us to start working together on this project: ‘Love Hotel’. Both of us have been interested in urban life, architecture, memory and found objects. Many of our work discuss the interrelationship between physical building, objects and their social context.

  The visual clue in this project is about tie up the objects we found inthe room, while the entire process including photo shooting was within 3 hours, a period of ‘rest’. The physic room, furniture and objects as well as 3 hours were all became performers who we worked with. Love Hotel inspired us maybe because it was being used for intimate human relations, maybe just because of the mixed impression of garishness, pornography and a little mysteriousness.



  北京市朝陽區百子灣路32號蘋果社區(北區)3B-111 郵編100022

  Room111,Building3B, PingGuoSheQu, 32 Baiziwan Rd. Chaoyang Dist. Beijing.

  PostCode 100022


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