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[專稿] 八大畫廊公告

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-17 09:50:21 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  現八大台北典藏館已正式搬遷到台北忠孝東路四段218-2號5樓阿波樓大廈B棟, 八大畫廊北京草場地當代館也已正式開幕,在新的展廳八大畫廊將為所有的藝術愛好者提供更高水準的觀賞和展示空間,並提供更專業的藝術諮詢和投資建議



  台北 :台北市忠孝東路四段,阿波羅大廈B棟218-2號5樓

  TEL:+ 886(02)-27522664 + 886(02)27316435 FAX:+ 886(02)27813664

  Email: pata_taipei@hotmail.com


  TEL:+86 -10- 64335120 +86 13581910637 FAX: +86 -10- 64335120

  Email: pata3818@hotmail.com


  TEL:+86 -10-64347973 +86 13581910637

  Email: pata3818@hotmail.com

  開放時間 13:00-18:30pm (週一休息)

  Open Hours 13:00 – 18:30 (Monday Closed)


  Pata Gallery have been open for twenty years, and now to provide a better environment to our customers, we have moved Pata Gallery Taipei to Chung-Hsiao

  E. Rd. SEC 4, 218-2 5F, In addition, our new Beijing location at CaoChangDi is opened.

  We are hoping our new locations will bring a greater aspect to our customers, and provide better recommendation to our beloved customers under such intense economic situation. We are looking forward to meet you.

  If there is any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us


  Taipei : 5F 218-2 CHUNG-HSIAO E. RD. SEC 4, TAIWAN

  TEL:+ 886(02)-27522664 + 886(02)27316435 FAX:+ 886(02)27813664

  Email: pata_taipei@hotmail.com


  Beijing: Chaoyang District Jiuxianqiao Rd 798 Factory

  3818 Warehouse NO 5 ,China

  TEL:+86 -10- 64335120 +86 13581910637 FAX: +86 -10- 64335120

  Email: pata3818@hotmail.com


  Beijing: Chaoyang District, Cui Ge Zhuang Xiang, Cao Chang Di NO.249 Yard Building No1

  TEL:+86 -10-64347973 +86 13581910637

  Email: pata3818@hotmail.com

  Open Hours 13:00 – 18:30 (Monday Closed)


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