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[專稿] 張林海作品展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-06 09:44:42 | 文章來源: 藝術中國
紫色 Purple 2005 布面油畫 Oil on Canvas 115 x 150 cm

  展覽名稱:怔 – 張林海作品展

  Exhibition Title: Stunned Speechless - Zhang Lin Hai Solo Exhibition


  Exhibition Location: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Floor, Beijing Today Art Museum

  展覽時間:2008年11月19 – 29日

  Exhibition Period: 16th – 29th November, 2008



  張林海,1963年初秋生於上海, 1964年被養父抱回太行山脈裏的一個小山村—河北涉縣。自幼體弱多病,因四歲時的一場大病導致腿部終身殘疾。1980年開始學畫,1990年畢業于天津美術學院版畫係。






  Exhibition Introduction

  Born in Shanghai in 1963, Zhang Lin Hai graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1990, with a degree in engraving. Zhang was adopted from a Shanghai orphanage by his foster parents and at a tender age he witnessed the devastation of the Cultural Revolution. He suffered from various illnesses, including polio, and at the age of four he survived his sickness, only to be left with a crippled leg and hand. By the age of 17, Zhang ventured out from his small village into the city. He settled in Handan and began to develop his interest in painting.

  The exhibition will feature both a body of new works previously unseen by Zhang Lin Hai, as well as a collection of his older works brought back from private collections worldwide. These artworks span from 2002 to 2008 - demonstrating the artist’s mastery in development of both his style and technique.


  Like many Chinese artists, Zhang Lin Hai is influenced by Surrealism. He began painting in the realist style and then moved away and into the poetic sensibility of Classical Chinese painting. Zhang Lin Hai studied engraving, so his work contains blocks of simple but bold colours, suitable to the themes of his paintings and the moods he wishes to convey.

  ----- The Dejected Sorghum by Li Xian Ting, 2002

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