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[專稿] 韓磊新作展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-09-22 09:11:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  [沼澤] 韓磊新作展
  展覽時間:2008年9月22日 - 10月26日
  開幕酒會:9月21日 星期日 20:00 – 23:00
  展覽地點:西五藝術中心 北京市朝陽區三里屯西五街5號F座

  西五藝術中心“沼澤 — 韓磊新作展”,將展出韓磊近期創作的油畫和裝置作品。“韓磊在這次以【沼澤】為題的新作中,創作的精神當然還是延續他自己十分擅長的歷史與現實迭映關係,只是,他這次讓作品的表現從架上「走」出來,以實體(或稱之為現成物)的組合,來重新演繹自己對於不同時間背景下的思維。韓磊説「這些現成物對我來講,都是我所憎惡的東西。它們在過去的生活都扮演了某種角色,但同時也被賦予一個不真確的角色,甚至被整個改變而成為一個較膚淺的角色」。……他同時也把歷史與現在的時間做了某種程度的雜交之後,逐一點破所流露出來的不合理性與荒誕不稽。”

  mail: info@c5art.com


  [Swamp] New Works of Han Lei
  Exhibition Period: September 22, 2008 – 26th October, 2008
  Opening Reception: September 21, 2008 / Sunday / 8pm – 11pm
  Venue: C5 Art Building F, 5 Xi Wu Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District Beijing 100027, P. R. China

  C5 Art is presenting [Swamp] - Han Lei’s Solo Exhibition in September, which features his new works of oil painting, photograph and installation. Swamp, the latest work by Han Lei, continues a subject he has mastered so well: the overlap and reflection of history and reality. This time, he makes the artwork step down from the frame and fits together real objects (or ready-made objects) so as to convey his idea about different spaces and time periods. Han Lei once stated: “these ready-made objects are what I abhorred. They have played a certain role in the past but the role endowed on them is unreal. You can even say that they are totally changed into something more superficial than they really are.” Hidden behind compounds of irrelevant objects is Han’s ambition to extend his art beyond the frame. Plenty of found objects are chosen to complete his personal brooding about history. Irrationality and sarcasm gradually stream out as history and now, to a certain degree, intercourse.

  Tel: 64603950
  Fax: 64603951
  mail: info@c5art.com

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