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[專稿] 杜璞2008上海個展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-04-11 17:32:45 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



Galerie Artenoo


地址 Location:上海長寧區延安西路9499
House #9, No.949 Yan An Road West
電話 Phone number: 86 21 62813098
開放時間 Opening hours / days: 週一—週五 Mon-Sun 10:00am-7:00pm.
交通Transportation: 地鐵2號線江蘇路站4號口步行5分鐘 Metro Line 2 Jiang Su Road Station exit 4 walking 5min
費用Charge: 免門票 no admission fee

 “杜璞2008上海個展”四月登陸法國畫廊GALERIE ARTENOO

Du Pu Solo Exhibition will display in Galerie Artenoo this April

濃烈的色彩、狂放的筆觸。自由、隨意而又有意味。杜璞在物象的描寫與精神的抒發之間,始終在不斷地探索著。作為法國畫廊GALERIE ARTENOO在上海的首個個展畫家,杜璞是探索于中西藝術融合之道路上,具有較為鮮明個人風格的一位。






開放時間:週一至週五 10:00-19:00


費用: 免門票

Opening reception: April 25, 2008 at 6pm

Exhibition: April 25 to May 16, 2008

Location: 949 West Yan An Road

                 House #9, Shanghai


weekdays from 10am to 7pm


Charge: no admission fee


 我們的畫廊Our Gallery

源自法國的Galerie Artenoo畫廊,如今來到了上海。

如火如荼的藝術市場已經使上海這個快節奏城市成為藝術市場的新中心。為了把握藝術時代的脈搏,Galerie Artenoo來到了這個世界級的新舞臺。Artenoo(上海)將專注于當代藝術。位於中法兩地的畫廊也將協力為兩地的畫家築起一座橋梁,打破藝術的地域局限,為觀眾帶來無與倫比的藝術盛宴。


The Galerie Artenoo was a gallery based on France before. To identify current artistic trends and talents in the hotest artmarket of our time, the Gallery has moved into the fast-paced city of Shanghai, broadening the organization's international presence. Artenoo Shanghai now specializes in Contemporary Art. The 2 galleries will work together to create a synergy between two very different art markets - France and China - and build a bridge for artists from both countries, extending our reach and audiences beyond borders.

Artenoo Shanghai is not only a simple contemporary art gallery. Since it is located in a charming old house, typical of the Shanghai early 1900's, we renovated with taste in order to create the perfect exhibition site. It is designed to offer an elegant exhibition and venue setting, with a continually changing artwork collection. The result is a unique, multi-purpose welcoming area with two floors of gallery, creative space, dinning and meeting areas, providing an optimal setting for parties, cocktails, dinners and selected business events. We are available for private appointments with collectors, and organize special events for clients, collectors and amateurs to meet with artists, to discuss their work.




蓋寒亞  Juli Ge

Galerie Artenoo                    
949 West  Yan An Road
House #9
Email: Juligai@hotmail.com
Tel: 8621 62813098   Mobile: 13761080061



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