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藝術中國 | 時間: 2011-03-24 09:15:21 | 文章來源: 藝術中國





Virtual, or Real?——“Visual Viewing” of Liu Zhiyi’s “Encyclopedia of the Emperor”

Hang Chunxiao

Successfully changing the real experience of a college education into a digital experience is a special point of 1970s’ artist Liu Zhiyi. Because of this, his painting gives us a different sense of illusion: building real “senses” in a virtual world. Here, “sense” is not referred to a vision biologically, but a historical “viewing” and “expressing”, that is, a method relating to space, structure, volume, color and brushwork formed in the visual experiences of art history. Without doubt, Liu Zhiyi learned this from his education at Central Academy of Fine Arts and has a firm handle over this in the creation of his paintings. Take for example the “Encyclopedia of the Emperor” series created in 2005. Although these works describe the virtual world, the visual language is “precise” and shows a strong sense of “reality” in spatial expression. As a result, Liu Zhiyi uses a “harsh” realistic method to create a visual deception: the “virtual” of image narration and the “real” of visual representation consist of a kind of sensory paradox.

Paradox always brings “chaos”. But the question is—the world is not as logical as we experience it in our daily life, therefore there is always a certain “depth” in paradox. I am not certain why Liu Zhiyi chose to create a visual paradox. Is it because of his academic background or the result of his love of science fiction and digital things? As an individual living in the same era as him, I could feel the “viewing world” suspicion through this kind of visual paradox. That is, a suspicion, denial and asking of “cognition” as we usually know it by. Just like the real visual details in his paintings, the realistic state is virtualized and the virtual becomes real. Hence, Liu Zhiyi’s paintings present an illusory uncertainty.


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