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2009北京798藝術節 澳門周
藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-08-20 14:30:16  | 文章來源: 藝術中國



“Playing Landscape” 3.0

時間:2009.10.9, 17:30

2009.10.10, 17:30 19:00

2009.10.11, 17:00










《玩風景》首次於2008年11月在台北上演。當時的作品強調人的轉念過程,可以在城市的鋼筋水泥中體會出另類的美感。2009年4月于澳門的 2.0 版則不同於之前在正規劇場的作業方式,選定兩處特色空間 : 多空間間隔的天臺酒吧和兒童游泳池,並直接跳入人與風景的自由對話,運用水墨多媒體、現場音樂和即興舞蹈主要元素,在原本的風景之上營造成熟又頑皮的氛圍,堆疊出更豐富創新的風景。

是次《玩風景》3.0 版的實驗組合,除原有班底澳門水墨多媒體畫家吳少英、台北導演蔣禎耘及于加拿大現代舞團 La La La Human Steps 任音樂總監的澳門音樂家楊光奇外,更邀請了北京「飯劇團」參與演出,三地共同打造屬於北京的《玩風景》3.0 版 。


Date:17:30, Oct.9, 2009

17:30 19:00, Oct.10, 2009

17:00, Oct.11, 2009

Venue:798 Art Center (706 Hall)

Director:Hope Chiang

Multi-media Water Ink/ Performer:Cindy Ng

Choreographer/ Performer:Candy Kuok

Music/Performer: Njo Kong Kei, Cult_Loc

Producer:Erik Kuong

Production:Out To Production (Macao)

“Playing Landscape” is a dramatic dialogue between performers and the multi-media ink video, there will be a series of collisions between traditional and modern arts during the process, which creates a frameless imaginative landscape. Traditional ink painting will not be constrained on paper anymore, but will appear on a screen with modern technology. What we see is not the result of the painting, but the flow of the ink. This is the first layer of breaking through the tradition with modern arts. Moreover, the piece is going to dig into the second layer, breaking through the time frame in multi-media, and fuse with rich elements (like lighting, set, costume and performers) in the theatre, which provide the audience with more sensual experiences. Under the form of multi-media physical theatre with ink, we hope to break through traditions and innovate, transmit the sensitivity and rationality between human and technology, make use of the two elements freely, and the possibilities of overlapping them.

“Playing Landscape” was first shown in Taipei in November 2008. The piece emphasizes on the process of changing thoughts in human, in which one can feel the alternative beauty from steel and concrete in the city.

In April 2009 at Macau City Fringe Festival, presented version 2.1 and 2.2. The difference between the Macau version and the Taipei one is that we have chosen two special places and jump directly into the free dialogue between man and scenery. Making use of the ink multi-media, live music and improvisational dance movements as main elements, a mature and mischievous atmosphere based on the original scenery is created, stacking a rich and innovative scenery.

In Playing Landscape 3.0, a theatre group “Fan Troupe” from Beijing is invited to join this project to elaborate a new Beijing version.

to present the sensorial site-specific dance theatre “Kafka Listening to the wind”.




Experience Macao Contemporary Art@798


時間:2009.10.10 – 10.18




Installation| Video

Date: Oct.10 – Oct.18, 2009

Action Art | Modern Music | Rock & Roll

Date: 15:00-21:00, Oct.10,2009

Venue: 798 Art Center (706 Hall)


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· 2009北京798藝術節 節目單
· 往屆798藝術節回顧:2008
· 往屆798藝術節回顧:2007
· 798藝術節展覽和活動空間圖片
· 2009北京798藝術節 乘車路線