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[專稿] 物是:當代藝術中的物主題
藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-12-20 19:32:07  | 文章來源: 藝術中國 蘭紅超/ 拍攝






  開幕酒會:2008-12-20 16:00










  Thinghood: Object-related Themes in Contemporary Art

  Dates: December 20, 2008 - February 8, 2009

  Venue: Magee Art Gallery, E06, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

  Opening: 4pm, December 20, 2008

  Presented by: Magee Art Gallery | Beijing

  Curator: Bao Dong

  Project Manager: Sun Aisi

  Artists: Deng Yifu, Guo Hongwei, Jiang Jianjun, Jin Jiangbo, Jin Shi, Liu Chuang, Yang Xinguang, Su Wenxiang, Wang Guangle, Wang Sishun


  If we say that philosophy was born of astonishment, then the earliest astonishment was born of the question, “what is this”. The meaning of “this” is more accurately described as “this thing”, i.e. things (objects, icons, bodies…). For this reason, we could say that philosophy is rooted in – essentially is – the question of “what this thing is”, and the answer to this question is also the answer to “what am I”.

  Thinking on things has permeated the entire history of philosophy, though of course in different stages, things have had different identities and definitions, which for practical reasons we will not delve into here. Overall, from the ontological philosophy of the classical era to the subjective philosophy of the enlightenment, things have been derived and dominated objects, always a subordinate construct. This state of affairs did not change until after the philosophy of Nietzsche, when things began to gain their own decisiveness. With the disassembly of metaphysics, people gradually became aware of the presence of the body, signifiers and the unconscious, and eventually thwarted the schemes of subjective metaphysics. If we say that the first half the history of philosophy was about establishing a subjective unified philosophy, then the second half has been about using the power of things to cast doubt on, criticize and subvert this unified philosophy.

  In art history we can also see such a phenomenon in that since modernism, all of the transformations in art history have more or less been about shifting the focus to thinghood; there is enough on this subject in art history to write an entire book. Here, however, we can only dabble a bit in using this theme to discuss certain Chinese artists and their works. The artists under discussion have been chosen because they can open up the following issues regarding “things”: what things are, how they appear, what relation their appearance has to art, and what the relationships are between things and man and things and society; all of these issues can fall under abstract thinking on thinghood and the specific presentation thereof.




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