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[專稿] 快閃城鄉——傅剛+費菁建築師作品展暨論壇
藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-12-05 09:44:57  | 文章來源: 藝術中國 蘭紅超 /拍攝


  The Quake Show: Projects by Fu+Fei Architects


  Architectural Exhibition - China 2008







  The Quake Show —— The Projects by Fu+Fei Architects , organized by International Creative Alliance Beijing(ICIA), undertaken by Beijing Art Centre(BAC), sponsored by Beijing Creative Foundation, will be on December 4, 2008 in Beijing Art Centre in Gehua tower.

  The Quake Show is the action of overspreading, is interactive attitude, is the tuber’s surface phenomena. Throughout the history, all human endeavors represent a moment, a wistful thinking, a short clip of moving images, like a flash in the civilization process of human beings. We reject the form of collective hysteria. The China well-known architects FuGang and FeiQing (Fu+Fei), will join the creative idea of cities’ planning and rebuilding again. The activities, in two weeks, using the way of press media and various new media in the space, through a series of discussions and dialogs, offers the architects a chance to step into a different playground where they have to study the new rules, learn to deal with the confusion, ambiguity and uncertainty of their own lives and of those of others in the city and countryside in contemporary China. “The exhibition of China well-known architect work” is one of the most important programs for the Creative Plaza founded by the ICIA; the exhibition aims at the field of urban architecture which is developing and gradually felt aesthetic-tired; we subjectively instill into new concept design and enforceable planning. The architects will join the creative idea of cities’ planning and rebuilding again. They are able to hold the key of architecture design, regenerating the construction structure of the city in order to show the culture features of the city and achievement in creative industry developing. This is the core significance for the exhibition. The exhibition is also the model program of the Beijing Art Centre supported by the Beijing Creative Centre(BCC), which intend to publish series of architecture exhibitions every year, making the new service platform in Beijing culture creative industry, for the professional communication ,the theory study and personnel training in the field of cities’ planning and architecture design.






  論壇主題:精緻生活 vs 毛坯城市








  Venue: Beijing Art Centre

  Dates: December 4- December 16, 2008

  Opening Reception: 3:00pm, December 4, 2008

  Forum: 2:00pm, December 6, 2008

  Theme: Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Countri-Cities So Different, So Appealing?

  Admission: Free

  Organizer: International Creative Industries Alliance Beijing

  Undertaker: Beijing Art Centre

  Sponsor: Beijing Creative Foundation

  Supporters: Beijing Creative Centre

  Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park Yonghe

  地址:北京市東城區青龍衚同1號 歌華大廈A座13層 歌華藝術館 100007

  Venue: A, 13th Floor, Gehua Tower, 1 Qinglong Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007 網站/Website: www.gehua.com

  部落格/Blog: blog.sina.com.cn/gehuayishuguan 電話/Tel: 86-10-84186822/32

  傳真/Fax: 86-10-84186813

  每日開放時間/Hours: Daily 11:00-17:00



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