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[專稿] 自然之物——楊柳個展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-09-24 09:36:35 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  開幕酒會:2008年10月12日 16:00——19:00
  展覽地點:北京現在畫廊[北京] 北京市朝陽區崔各莊草場地紅一號院E座
  畫廊日常開放時間:週一至週日 12:00——18:00




  Object of Nature------Yang Liu Solo Exhibition
  Opening Date: October 12, 2008 4:00pm—7:00pm
  Curator: Huang Liaoyuan
  Duration: October 12, 2008---- November 30, 2008
  Location: Beijing Art Now Gallery [Beijing] Building E, Red Yard No.1,Cao Chang Di, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing , China
  Gallery Hours: Mon—Sun 12:00am—6:00pm


  Yang Liu uses her own approach to write about her feelings and her stories in these paintings. She paints objects from her memories – or those seem to be found in her memories; objects that are realistic or seemingly real. They are not as accurate as her memory, nor are they as lucid. The artist creates an imaginary reality with unique lighting on her painting. She seems to be more interested in granting life or a dim living environment to lifeless objects. Perhaps in her eyes, the world is alive, as a quiet spirit, or an eternally endless night. Perhaps in her eyes, the world is a handful of shining seeds, they will not grow into crops, but a luminous symbol.

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