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[專稿] 建與再建——孟瑾 方二雙人展
藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-06-19 14:01:33  | 文章來源: 藝術中國

建與再建——孟瑾 & 方二 雙人展
Dual Exhibition of MENG JIN & FANG ER
開幕酒會 : 2008年6月21日 星期六 下午三點到六點
展覽日期:2008年6月21日 - 8月3日
展覽場地:藝術通道 / 北京市朝陽區草場地村249-3號 藝術東區B區
連絡電話: 64335080 / 1351714691

Artist: Meng Jin & Fang ER*
Opening: June 21st 2008, Saturday, 3:00pm-6:00pm
Exhibition Hour: Tuesday – Sunday, 11: 00 - 18: 00
Location: Art Channel
Caochangdi Village, No 249-3, Chaoyang District, East End Art Zone B, Beijing
Tel: 64335080 / 1351714691


Art Channel presents: Constructed (re) Constructed , on view from June 21st
through August 3rd, featuring recent works by Meng Jin and FangEr. The
exhibition explores artist's interest in architectural transitions over
recent decades in China, the surface qualities and visual aspects of objects
in the environment, and different approaches to spatial or social
situations. Many of the paintings, photography, videos and installations
included in the exhibition attempt to bridge the distance between art and
every day life. Art works are inspired by seemingly ordinary, everyday
objects and environments. The exhibition surveys the many possibilities that
exist in contemporary art through the reuse and reinterpretation of everyday
things, private and public spaces, architectures and memories, be they
found, constructed, reconstructed, bought, appropriated, instrumental or
invented. This show celebrates and investigates the nature of the
architecture and objects surrounding us, and in doing so, encourages us to
reexamine and re-edit our environment.

Curator: Ambra Corinti


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