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[專稿] 紅門畫廊藝術家聯展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-12-04 13:59:48 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Zone 1 Nanjing







  Dongbianmen Watchtower
  Chongwenmen, Beijing
  People’s Republic of China
  Telephone: +86 (0)10 6525 1005
  Fax: +86 (0)10 6432 2624
  Contact: Reg Newitt, Manager

  798 / Red Gate Gallery
  E-mail redgate798@aer.net.cn
  Telephone +86 (0)10 6438 1005
  Mobile +86 135 2074 8897
  or Wang Jun (Chinese media inquiries)
  Telephone +86 (0)10 6432 2624
  Altered States: Red Gate Gallery Artists

  BEIJING, November, 2007 – The annual group exhibitions at Red Gate Gallery (Watchtower) and 798 / Red Gate Gallery (Dashanzi) feature recent works by Red Gate Gallery artists.

  The exhibitions offer a unique lens to review and discover new perspectives in contemporary Chinese art.

  Altered States #1 at the Red Gate Gallery, Watchtower addresses the impact of the changing environment in China – social, geo-political and economic – on the lives of its people through the paintings, sculptures and photographs of featured artists Zhu Wei, Zhou Jun, Lv Peng, Wang Yuping, Guan Wei and Li Gang.

  Altered States #2 at 798 / Red Gate Gallery focuses on issues of cultural and social change affecting China today. Migration, displacement, changing cityscapes and social values are addressed and subtly interrogated in the works of featured artists Wang Yuping, Guan Wei, Han Qing, Sheng Qi, Su Xinping and Liu Qinghe.

  The exhibitions run in both galleries from 20 December 2007 to the end of February 2008.

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