Roberto Arcaute
47 x 47cm
《玩偶》——墨西哥藝術家 Roberto Arcaute 作品展
展覽時間:2007年11月10日- 11月17日 10:00-18:00 (每週一休息)
開幕酒會:2007年11月10日 15:00-18:00
展覽地點: 798藝術區 第五元素畫廊
地址: 北京朝陽區酒仙橋路四號 798藝術區 第五元素畫廊
電話: 010-64321338
網址: www.798gallery.net
“Toy” —— Solo exhibition of Roberto Arcaute from Mexico
Opening reception: 10 Nov. 2007 3pm.to 6pm.
Duration: 10th Nov. 2007 to 17th Nov. 2007 ( Monday Off)
Address: The Fifth Element Gallery ,798 art area,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Tel: 010-64321338
E-mail: dong.show@yahoo.com.cn
Web site: www.798gallery.net
董珈含 Diana Dong
畫廊介紹Gallery introduction:
The Fifth Element is located in the core region of the 798 art area. It’s main purpose is to explore the pith of the Chinese contemporary art and to discover and popularize the outstanding young artists. Another mission of the gallery is to display、introduce、sell and serve to the best art work by launching multi elements international cultural communication and cooperation.
2007 唯一畫廊,Sonorus Observatory,798空間,北京,中國。
2005 藝術之聲展“Jard n”Terremoto 34 墨西哥城.
2004 "EI Teatro",Arcaute 當代藝術畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2004 岩漿的現實與鬥爭,FundationIAC蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2001 "Roberto Arcaute",Emma Molina and Ramis Barquet 畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2000 "失去的財富"哈利卡那蘇斯畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2000 "藝術Roberto Arcaute 展",伊朗墨西哥大使館,德黑蘭,伊朗.
2000 "Roberto Arcaute" 墨西哥-巴西世界博覽會.展覽會中心,"Pabellon Amarillo" 聖保羅,巴西.
2000 "Serie de Estados de Animo",墨西哥國立自治大學,托盧卡,墨西哥.
1998 "Obra mas reciente"Emma Molina 畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2007 以猶豫的名義 ,蒙特雷藝術中心,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2007 藝術之聲國際節,蒙特雷, SONOM 2007, 2007女性文化國際廣場, 熔爐公園, Arcaute 當代藝術畫廊& 蒙特雷當代藝術博物館, MARCO. 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2006 第十三民兩年度塔馬精品, 塔馬約當代藝術博物館, 墨西哥城; 瓦哈卡(MACO) 當代代藝術博物館, 瓦哈卡, 墨西哥.
2006 集體藝術展,Arcaute當代藝術畫廊, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2006 "年月之中", 蒙特雷都市博物館,墨西哥.
2006 藝術之聲國際節,蒙特雷, SONOM 2006, 熔爐公園,蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2006 "共鳴 V", Arcaute 當代藝術畫廊, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2005 "僕人", 當代藝術實驗室,LAC.墨西哥城,
2005 藝術之聲節, 巴塞羅那當代文化中心. CCCB. 巴塞羅那, 西班牙.
2005 活動範疇, 當代藝術博物館,蒙特雷, MARCO, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2005 "面甲",當代藝術國際基地, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2005 墨西哥節, Kultur Buro ,巴塞羅那,西班牙.
2005 X節, 影象藝術, 裏斯本, 葡萄牙,
2005 寵物,當代藝術國際基地, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2004 無題, Max/Msp程式交互作用,巴塞羅那,西班牙.
2004 "人景合一", 義大利 畫廊,墨西哥城 .
2004 "壁畫全拼觸 ", 古代宮殿明信片, 墨西哥城.
2004 響亮藝術節, 巴賽隆納當代文化中心. CCCB. 巴塞羅那,西班牙.
2004 中心畫廊X年度展,國家藝術中心, 墨西哥城 .
2003 第六民兩年度蒙特雷藝術中心,蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
2003 第三屇國際藝術中心, SIART國家藝術博物館, 拉巴斯 ,玻利維亞.
2003 " 60年100藝術家", 中心畫廊, 墨西哥國家藝術中心, 墨西哥城.
2003 60秒, 實驗畫廊, Arson別墅. 尼斯, 法國.
2003 "4x4"特別參與. Valle du Draa, 摩洛哥,非洲.
2002 運動創造,維拉克魯斯文化學院,維拉克魯斯,宇卡坦當代藝術博物館原址,梅裏達,宇卡坦,墨西哥國家藝術中心畫廊.
2002 硬核 Arcaute畫廊,墨西哥國家藝術中心畫廊.
2002 邂逅與分離 綠寶石畫廊,ENPEG,墨西哥國家藝術中心畫廊.
2001 秋季:綠寶石,Jaime Torres Bodet文化中心,墨西哥.
2001 紅十字展,墨西哥,Banamex金融中心,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2001 第二屇國際藝術中心展,SIART國家藝術博物館,拉巴斯,玻利維亞.
2001 第五屇蒙特雷兩年度藝術中心展,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2001 “十月沙龍”“OMNLIFE大獎”,2001,薩波潘,哈利斯科.
2001 “兩城兩校”,Ramon Alva海峽畫廊,Jalapa,維拉克魯斯.
2001 集體527畫廊,休斯頓 Tx,EE.UU.
2001 LBIZA第十七屇兩年度展,當代藝術博物館,MAC,LBIZA,西班牙.
2000 第四屇兩年度地區“年輕藝術造型”,幼獅文化社,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2000 Vinoteca基金會2000藝術展 ,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2000 第一屇國際繪畫展,Aitor Urdangarin畫廊,阿瓦拉,西班牙.
2000 Museum of Chopo Festival Lesbico Gay,墨西哥城.
2000 “Mensura” 艾瑪瑪利娜畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
2000 “聯合展覽”,Halicarnassus畫廊,蒙特雷,N.L..墨西哥
2000 “聯合展覽”恩裏克戰士畫廊,墨西哥城,墨西哥.
1999 “一米見方”,Halicarnassus畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
1999 “泡泡” 527畫廊&艾瑪瑪利娜畫廊,休斯頓,EE.UU
1999 “FLAC”現代和當代國際藝術展,執行畫廊恩裏克戰士,巴黎,法國.
1999 “30之前”,蒙特雷都市博物館,墨西哥.
1999 聯合展覽,Halicarnassus畫廊,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
1998 LBIZA第十五屇兩度展,當代藝術博物館,MAC,LBIZA,西班牙.
1998 “折衷的垃圾”,法國女性同盟,蒙特雷,墨西哥.
Roberto Arcaute RodrÌguez|
Born in 1976,Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
2003-05 Master's degree in Creation and Audiovisual Communication for Interactive Media, MECAD and ESDI, Barcelona, Spain.
2002-03 Postdegrees Advanced studies in Plastic Expression, Villa Arson, National School of Arts, Nice, France.
2002-97 Bachelor in Arts, National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda". National Center of the Arts, CENART, INBA, México, D.F.
2001-98 Technician in Multimedia, Center Multimedia, National Center of Arts, Mexico, D.F.
1997-96 Studies in Art one year of Bachelor in the Institute Lorenzo de Medici, Florence, Italy.
2006 Workshop PD, programming in Pure Data, Center Multimedia, National Center of Arts, CENART, Mexico, D.F.
2003 Workshop of Video, Final Cut, Stephane Magnin, National School of Art, Villa Arson, Nice France.
2002 Workshop, Unstable Art, Gerardo Suter and José Luis GarcÌa Nava, Center Multimedia, México, D.F.
2002 Workshop of Tutorial Project and Workshop of Production, Gustavo Artigas, Multimedia Center, Mexico, D.F.
1996 Studies in history of the Renaissance, Lorenzo de Medici, Florence, Italy.
Solo Exhibitions:
2007 The Only One Gallery, Sonorus Observatory, 798 Space, Beijing, China.
2005 Exhibition of Art Sound "JardÌn" Terremoto 34, D.F, Mexico.
2004 "El Teatro", Arcaute Gallery of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico.
2004 Magma reality and conflicts, FundationIAC Monterrey, Mexico.
2001 "Roberto Arcaute", Emma Molina and Ramis Barquet Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico.
2000 "The Lost Treasures" Gallery Halicarnassus , Monterrey, Mexico.
2000 "Exhibition of Art Roberto Arcaute" Embassy of Mexico in Iran, Teheran, Iran.
2000 "Roberto Arcaute" Fair México - Brazil. Expo Center, "Pabellón Amarillo", Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2000 "Serie de Estados de Animo", National Autonomous University of Mexico, Toluca, Mexico.
1998 "Obra mas reciente" Emma Molina Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico .
Selected Group Exhibition:
2007 Principio de Incertidumbre, Art Center of Monterrey,Monterrey, México.
2007 International Festival of Art Sound, Monterrey, SONOM 2007, Forum Universal de las Culturas 2007,Fundidora Park,
Gallery Arcaute Contemporary Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey, MARCO. Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 XIII Biennial Rufino Tamayo, Tamayo Museum Of Contemporary Art, D.F. Mexico; Museum of Contemporary Art of Oaxaca (MACO), Oaxaca, Mexico.
2006 Collective Art Show, Contemporary Art Gallery Arcaute, Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 "Entre Siglos", Metropolitan Museum of Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 International Festival of Art Sound, Monterrey, SONOM 2006, Fundidora Park, Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 "Resonancia V", Gallery Arcaute Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico.
2005 "Domestica", Lab of Contemporary Art, LAC, D.F. Mexico,
2005 Festival of Art Sound, Contemporary Cultural Center of Barcelona. CCCB. Barcelona, Spain.
2005 Marco-Movil, Museum of Contemporary Art†in Monterrey, MARCO, Monterrey, Mexico.
2005 "Visor",International Foundation of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico.
2005 Mexican Festival, Kultur Buro, Barcelona, Spain.
2005 Festival X, VÌdeo-Art, Lisboa, Portugal,
2005 Pets, International Foundation of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, México.
2004 Random, interaction using the Program Max/Msp, Barcelona, Spain.
2004 "TopologÌa del Paisaje Mental", Itatti Gallery, Mexico, D.F.
2004 "Contacto Mural", Antiguo palacio postal, Mexico, D.F.
2004 Festival of Sonorous Art, Cultural Contemporary Center of Barcelona. CCCB. Barcelona, Spain.
2004 X Anniversary of Central Gallery, National Center of Art, Mexico, D.F.
2003 VI Biennial of Monterrey Center of Arts, Monterrey, Mexico
2003 III International Art Center, SIART Nacional Art Museum, La Paz ,Bolivia.
2003 " 60 años 100 artistas", Central Gallery, National Center of Arts, Mexico, D.F.
2003 Soixante secondes, Experimental Gallery, Villa Arson. Nice, France.
2003 "4x4" Special Participation. Valle du Draa, Morroco, Africa.
2002 "Creación en Movimiento ", Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura, Veracruz; Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo of Yucatan (MACAY),
MÈrida, Yucatan; Central Gallery, National Center of Arts, Mexico, D.F.
2002 "Hard Core" Arcaute Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico.
2002 "Despedida y Debut" La Esmeralda Gallery, ENPEG, National Center of Arts, Mexico, D. F.
2002 "Espacio a la ExperimentaciÛn", Museum of Art and Design, San José, Costa Rica.
2002 XXII "Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven", Culture Institute of Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico.
2001 Otoño: La Esmeralda en el PolitÈcnico, Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet, Mexico.
2001 Exhibition Red Cross, Mexicana , Financial Center of Banamex, Monterrey, Mexico.
2001 II International Center of Art, SIART Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia.
2001 V Biennial of Monterrey Art Center, Monterrey, Mexico.
2001 "Salón de Octubre" "Gran premio OMNILIFE". 2001. Zapopan, Jalisco.
2001 "2 Ciudades 2 Escuelas" Ramon Alva de la Canal Gallery, Jalapa, Veracruz.
2001 Collective 527 Gallery , Houston Tx., EE.UU.
2001 XVI Biennial†of Ibiza, Museum of Contemporary Art, MAC, Ibiza ,España
2000 IV Regional Biennial of "Pl•stica Joven", "Casa de la Cultura de Nuevo León", Monterrey, Mexico.
2000 I Contest of Art 2000 Fundation Vinoteca , Monterrey ,Mexico
2000 III Painting International Contest, Aitor Urdangarin Gallery, Alava, Spain.
2000 "Museum of Chopo Festival Lesbico Gay", D. F. Mexico.
2000 "Mensura" Emma Molina Gallery, Monterrey , N.L. Mexico.
2000 "Collective Exhibition", Halicarnassus Gallery , Monterrey, N.L.., Mexico.
2000 "Collective Exhibition" Enrique Guerrero Gallery, México D.F. Mexico.
1999 "Metro Cuadrado" Halicarnassus Gallery, Monterrey , Mexico.
1999 "Bubble" 527 Gallery and Gallery of Emma Molina, , Houston Tx., EE.UU.
1999 "FIAC" International Art Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Stand Gallery Enrique Guerrero, Paris, France.
1999 "Antes 30" Metropolitan Museum of Monterrey, N. L., Mexico .
1999 Collective Gallery Halicarnassus, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico.
1998 XV Biennial of Ibiza, Museum of Contemporary Art,, MAC, Ibiza, Spain.
1998 "Basura EclÈctica" Alianza Francesa, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.
Curatorial Projects:
2007 Secound International Festival of Art Sound, Monterrey, SONOM 2007, Forum Universal de las Culturas 2007,Fundidora Park, Gallery Arcaute and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey, MARCO. Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 First International Festival of Art Sound, Monterrey, SONOM 2006, Fundidora Park, Gallery Arcaute and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey, MARCO. Monterrey, Mexico.
2005 Curator in the Collective Exposition of video- art "Visor", International Foundation of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico.
2002 Curator collective exposition of Painting PETS, International Foundation of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico.
Lectures / Panels / Teaching:
2005 Video-Art Conference, EGADE, postgraduates' school in business administration and direction of companies
2005 "Intrafonico" Course programming in Max/Msp, CEDIM, School of Design of Monterrey.
2005 "Verano" Course of Art , Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey, MARCO. Monterrey, México.
2004 "Algeciras" course art projects, National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda" CENART, INBA, Mexico, D.F.
2004 "Course of vÌdeo-art" Iada, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez.
2004 "50 Biennial of Venezia" Conference, Iada, Autonomous University of Ciudad Ju•aez.
2004 "Tanger" Course art projects, Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey, MARCO. Monterrey, México.
Fellowships and Awards:
2004 Fellowship "Apoyo para Estudios en el Extranjero", FONCA, CONACULTA, Mexico.
2003 Fellowship "FINANCIARTE XXV" CONARTE Edition- Nuevo León, Mexico.
2003 Fellowship "Apoyo para Estudios en el Extranjero", FONCA, CONACULTA, Mexico.
2001-02 Fellowship "Jovenes Creadores" in Painting , FONCA, CONACULTA, Mexico.
1998 Award in the Project of temporal Murals in “La Esmeralda” ENPEG., Mexico.
Artist Projects and Collaborations:
2004 Collaboration of Sound in the Catalogue CD-ROM elaborated in the MECAD. The International Fair of Video Art, LOOP 03, Barcelona, Spain.
Books / Catalogues / Cd-rom:
2007 XIII Biennial Rufino Tamayo, Tamayo Museum Of Contemporary Art, D.F. Mexico.
2006 "Entre Siglos", Metropolitan Museum†of Monterrey, Mexico.
2005 PLAYMOBIL, "Objeto representativo de la Infancia", Tesis, ENPEG.
2004 Mural Project, 50th. Anniversaryof Communication and Transportation Secretary, p.25.
2003 VI Biennial of Monterrey, FEMSA, p.29.
2002 "Memoria Generación 2001-2002", Conaculta, Fonca p.35.
2002 Roberto Arcaute RodrÌguez, Playlife, Cdrom.
2002 "CreaciÛn en movimiento, Jovenes Creadores" 2001-2002 p.65.
2001 Ibizagrafic,01 XV Biennial Museum of Contemporary Art, Ibiza, Spain, p.52.
2001 V Biennial of Monterrey, FEMSA, p.41.
2000 "GuÌa Practica para elaborar autorretratos", ENPEG.
2000 III International Contest of Paint, Vitoria- Gasteliz, Spain, 2000, p.16.
1999 "FIAC" International Fair of Moder and Contemporary Arts, Paris, France, p.81.
1999 Art Latino-Americain, au dela des limites de l identite, Paris, France, p.39.
1998 Ibizagrafic,98 XV Biennial Museum of Contemporary Arts of Ibiza, Spain, p.26.
Articles and Reviews "Magazines":
2005 Magazine "Complot", Number 100, "Mundo de Juguetes", "El juego que todos jugamos", p.54 y 55.
2004 Magazine "Ocean Drive",†June 2004, Gente Ocean, Miami, p.22.
2001 Magazine "Elle", Number 200, "Mas all• de la FotografÌa", p.48
1999 Magazine "Eres", Number 264, "Artbducteado por el super-hipperrealismo", p. 52 y 53.
1999 Art Latino-Americain, au dela des limites de l identite Paris, France, p.39
1999 Magazine "Art Vance", Number 01, "Monterrey la Sultana del Arte" Mexico, p.15.