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[專稿] 史鐘穎個人作品展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-08-29 11:01:32 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Shi Zhongying

2007,silkworm cocoons, silkworm seeds, hand-made paper
90 x 460 x 125 cm


  靜觀 - 空境




  電話 6525 1005 傳真 6432 2624
  電子郵件 redgategallery@aer.net.cn 網址 www.redgategallery.com

  Viewing Emptiness
  Shi Zhongying

  Preview Date Saturday, September 29, 3 - 5 pm
  Exhibition Dates September 29 - October 21, 2007
  Gallery Hours
  10 am - 5 pm daily

  Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwen District, Beijing
  Tel 6525 1005 Fax 6432 2624
  E-mail redgategallery@aer.net.cn Website www.redgategallery.com



  最新作品展 – 靜觀空境。該展覽將展出藝術家的最新的油畫、雕塑和前衛裝置作品,在九月二十九日的開幕酒會上,參觀者將與藝術家以互動的形式現場進行藝術品創作。






Dongbianmen Watchtower
Chongwenmen, Beijing
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: +86 (0)10 6525 1005
Fax: +86 (0)10 6432 2624

Contact Tally Beck, Manager
798 / Red Gate Gallery
E-mail redgate798@aer.net.cn
Telephone +86 (0)10 6438 1005
Mobile +86 135 2265 2053
or Wang Jun (Chinese media inquiries)
Telephone +86 (0)10 6432 2624

Red Gate Presents Shi Zhongying’s New Painting, Sculpture and Installation

BEIJING August 8, 2007 – Artist Shi Zhongying will exhibit his new show, Viewing Emptiness, at Red Gate Gallery’s Watchtower location from September 29 through October 21, 2007. The show will feature his new paintings, sculpture, a monumental, avant-garde installation, and an interactive piece that guests will help him create at the opening reception on September 29.

Facile in a wide range of media, Shi Zhongying continues to shape a contemporary Buddhist aesthetic in his new works. His new paintings elaborate on his sculpture, translating his meticulous, metallic forms to shadows on canvas. Taking cues from Buddhist philosophy, he embraces contradictions, examines cause and effect, and explores spatial and temporal relationships.

Dominating the exhibition will be Shi Zhongying’s grand installation piece, Flux, a large boat-like structure suspended from the ceiling and comprised of small compartments containing silkworm cocoons. On the floor beneath it, sheets of paper are decorated with the random, multicoloured patterns of broken silkworm eggs that were allowed to fall upon them. The quiet monumentality of the work compels the viewer to consider the notions of the cycles of life and Nirvana.

Guests at the opening will have the opportunity to participate in the creation of another Shi Zhongying installation. Name Door will provide a visual metaphor for human connections and transitions.

Shi Zhongying has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in China, Europe and the United States.


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