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Christopher Cook 藝術簡歷

藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-04-06 12:07:49 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

克利斯多夫•庫克(Christopher Cook) 出生於英國約克郡。 早期在英國愛克塞特大學就讀文學與美術,後又獲得倫敦英國皇家美術學院繪畫專業研究生學位。


He studied Literature and Fine Art at the University of Exeter, UK, and MA Painting at the Royal College of Art, London. He spent three years in Bologna as Italian Government scholar, exhibiting in Eros in Albion at the Casa Masaccio and From Bacon to Now at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. Between 1991-93 he was Guest Artist at the Stadelschule in Frankfurt, Germany and Visiting Fellow to the University of Oxford, and in 1994 became Distinguished Visiting Artist to CalState University Long Beach,  exhibiting in the UK/LA festival, and representing the UK at the Cagnes Painting Biennale, France and the European Union exhibition in Bangkok.

1995年與1997年間,三次較長時間的印度采風之旅促使庫克對自己的藝術創作進行了重新思考。 他早期作品中常用的色彩逐漸消失,而目前我們所看到的以黑白為主的石墨系列也由此時産生並慢慢成形。庫克的初期石墨系列作品曾獲得利物浦XX1約翰•摩爾斯獎。大量作品曾在挪威,德國和美國等國家的主要大型藝術展中展出。

Between 1995 to 1997 three extended research visits to India led to a rethink of his work, from which the ‘graphites’ appeared, and colour has not returned since. An early graphite was prize winner at John Moores Liverpool XX1 and others have been the subject of major group and solo shows in Norway, Germany and the USA.


In 1998 Cook was appointed Reader in Painting at the University of Plymouth. Following publication of his selected poems: For and Against Nature in 2000, he travelled on a scholarship to the Bundanon Trust in Australia, and later that year began a two year Arts Council of England residency at the Eden Project in Cornwall UK, where some of the larger images relating to genetics and self-organising systems began, along with material for his latest artist's book a thoroughbred golden calf. In 2004/05 a major survey show supported by the British Council toured four venues in the USA.



克裏斯多夫•庫克個展 新聞稿

Selected solo exhibitions

1985 倫敦Camden藝術中心
            Camden Arts Centre, London
 British Council Centre Amsterdam, NL

1986 英國 Spacex畫廊
            Spacex Gallery Exeter UK

1987 義大利 Maggiore畫廊
            Galeria Maggiore, Bologna, Italy

1988 倫敦 Benjamin Rhodes畫廊
            Benjamin Rhodes Gallery, London

1989 英國 Cleveland 畫廊
            Cleveland Gallery Middlesbrough, UK
 Plymouth Arts Centre, UK

1990 倫敦 Benjamin Rhodes畫廊
            Benjamin Rhodes Gallery, London

1991 德國法蘭克福 Stadelschule
            Stadelschule Frankfurt, Germany

1992 英國 Darlington 藝術中心
    紐西蘭 van Rhoon博物館
            Darlington Arts Centre,  UK
 Museum van Rhoon, Rotterdam, NL 
 Royal Albert Museum Exeter,  UK
1993 英國 Oldham城市博物館
            Oldham City Museum, UK
 Northern Centre for Contemporary Art UK

1994 美國加州大學
            California State University USA

1995 德國法蘭克福 Helmut Pabst
英國諾丁漢 Angel Row
英國格拉斯哥 Collins 畫廊
            Helmut Pabst Frankfurt, Germany 
 Angel Row Nottingham, UK
 Collins Gallery Glasgow, UK

1996 倫敦 Jason and Rhodes畫廊
            Jason and Rhodes Gallery London
1997 挪威 Haugesund Kunstforening
            Haugesund Kunstforening, Norway

1999 德國法蘭克福 Helmut Pabst
            紐西蘭 De Beyerd
            Helmut Pabst Frankfurt, Germany
 De Beyerd, Breda, Netherlands

2000 德國 Heidelberger Kunstverein
            澳大利亞新南威爾士Bundanon Trust,
            Heidelberger Kunstverein, Germany.
 Bundanon Trust, NSW, Australia

2001 英國 Ferens畫廊
    英國 Towner畫廊
    英國 Hirschl 當代藝術畫廊
            Ferens Gallery Hull, UK
 Towner Gallery Eastbourne, UK
 Hirschl Contemporary Art London

2002 比利時 Koraalberg 畫廊
Koraalberg Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2003 英國伊甸園生態公園
            德國法蘭克福 EuropaischeZentral畫廊
            Eden Project Cornwall
 EuropaischeZentral Galerie Frankfurt, Germany

2004 美國新奧爾良 Diboll 畫廊
    美國 Memphis大學美術館
            美國新奧爾良 Mary Ryan 畫廊
            Diboll Gallery, New Orleans USA
 Art Museum University of Memphis USA
 Mary Ryan Gallery New York

2005 美國加州大學
    California State University Long Beach USA

Selected recent group exhibitions

1999 John Moores XX1 Walker Gallery, Liverpool, UK
 West by South West Haugesund Kunstforening, Norway

2000 Helmut Pabst Frankfurt Germany
 Kunstforening Stavanger, Norway
2001 Royal West of England Academy Bristol, UK
 Kustenkunst  Stade Museum, Hamburg, Germany
 Chapel Row Gallery Bath, UK
 East of Eden Spacex Gallery, Exeter, UK

2002 Crossing Borders Morley Gallery, London
 Structure and Situation  EDE Gallery, Pomona, USA
 EZG Frankfurt Germany
 Eden Project, Cornwall UK
2003 Drawn Conclusions Plymouth City Museum, UK
 Structure and Situation  Michael Folonis, L.A. USA
 Cross Currents Quay Art Centre, Newport UK
2004 Hirschl Contemporary Art London
 Works on paper, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York
 Drawing Weatherspoon Art Center, Maryland, USA
2005 Bundanon Trust, Australia
 Yale Centre for British Art, CT. USA


 Art Institute of Chicago, USA
 British Museum, UK
 Bundanon Trust, Australia
 Cleveland Museums UK
 Cleveland Museum USA
 Contemporary Arts Society UK
 Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge UK
 Haugesund Billedgalleri Norway
 Metropolitan Museum New York USA
 Minneapolis Museum of Art, USA
 Royal College of Art, UK
 University of Oxford, UK
 Universitat Frankfurt, Germany
 Victoria and Albert Museum, UK

Selected recent bibliography

Bahr Bob
 American Artist: Drawing
 Summer 2005
Cohen David
 The New York Sun July 2004
Cork Richard  
catalogue essay John Moores 21
UK Autumn 1999
Exley Roy
 Catalogue essay
 changing the need 
 Hull/Eastbourne UK 2001
Farquharson Alex
 catalogue essay: low res
 Hirschl London 2003
Furse John 
catalogue interview: Graphites and related works
 Netherlands/Germany  1999-2000
 The Commercial Sun, Memphis
 March 2004
Gercke Hans
 catalogue essay: Graphites and related works
 Netherlands/Germany  1999-2000
Hubbard Sue
 The Independent June 3 2003
Kidson Alex 
exhibition catalogue notes,
 John Moores 21 catalogue Autumn 1999
Lambirth Andrew
The Spectator November 2000
Lucie-Smith Edward
introductory essay
Graphites and related works catalogue
 Frankfurt/Breda/Heidelberg  1999-2000
Lucie-Smith Edward
 Art Today  1998
Paraskos Michael
 Art Review Nov  2001
Patrick Keith
Contemporary Landscapes’
CVA Magazine January 2001
Rowe Matthew
 Catalogue essay
 changing the need
 Hull/Eastbourne UK 2001
Stegeman Elly
catalogue essay (Dutch) the inward gaze
 Netherlands/Germany 1999-2000
Worts Martin
catalogue essay West by South West (Norway)
 Haugesund/Stavanger Norway Oct-Dec 1999

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