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藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-08-09 09:26:23 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  開幕式:2007年8月9日 4:00 pm
  地點:歐陽路580號 朱屺瞻藝術館2-3樓





  Forty Years on Intellectual Brush & Ink Painting

  Hong Kong modern ink painting artist, Yu Shijian will exhibit more than 80 pieces of his representative works during forty years’ work on intellectual ink painting at Zhu Qizhan Museum. The opening reception will be held on Thursday, August 9th, 2007, 4 pm.

  The artist considers the contemporary meaning of scholar painting “literati painting” is "paintings of the intellectuals". As a whole, this concept embraces humanism, non-conformity, and its direction is not solely market and trend oriented. Its specific traditional Chinese features involve poetic natural landscapes, and exude a certain quality close to the Tao of gentleman “Gentleman”.

  1943, Yu Sai Kin was born in China during the Second World War. He was active in the student literary circle in Hong Kong when he was young. In the 60’s he participated in several important exhibitions in the New Art Movement in Hong Kong, Taiwan & overseas with Lu Sau Kuan and a few other contemporary artists. In the 70’s, he studied painting in the United States and Canada, and started “Gallery 80’s” in the Major Gallery district in Toronto for the promotion of contemporary Chinese Art. After 1982, he returned to China and Hong Kong and continued his work on brush and ink paintings. His works were frequently shown in exhibitions held in Guandong, Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong.

  In 1998, his painting was selected to the National Art Show, sponsored by the Ministry of

  Culture. In the year 2000, he was invited to the “30th Anniversary of China - Canada Diplomatic Relations Traveling Show” in Canton - Toronto. In 2002, he was enrolled in “Who’s Who in the World”. His paintings & poems were also selected by The Federation of Chinese Literature and Art Union into the China Bau website. 2004, Shanghai Spring Salon. 2006, Solo Exhibition - Shanghai Room with a View Gallery, and also the “contemporary Chinese Art Show” in the Regis Center of Art of Minnesota University, U.S.A. in the same year.


  Opening Reception:4:00pm, August 9(Thursday) 2007
  Exhibition Time: from August 9th to August 18th,2007


  麥豐(Mary Mai)
  余世堅(Yu Shijian)
  Administrative Director
  胡雅蓓(Hu Yabei)
  管國棟(Guan Guodong)
  Exhibition Assistant
  盛青(Sheng Qing)

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